What's New In DIVER
January 30, 2025
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (AK) 01/08/2025:
Appended new data to existing study:
Western Mariner Preassessment Tissue (1092:A1) -
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,DM) 12/19/2024:
Appended new data from study(s):
Marsh Living Shoreline Bio Monitoring 2017-2023 (0608:M4)
December 19, 2024
- Added the PCB Sums Help Document to Public DIVER's Help page under the Query Support heading.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (BC,NW) 12/16/2024
Coordinates changed from a single location to estimated coordinates for four locations based on the map provided in the PDF document titled "Jan 1987 NJDEP Sed Sampling" that contains the letter from Charles Van Sciver to Joe Maher dated March 3, 1987 in study:
Berry`s Creek NJDEP Letter Maher To Gorab 1987 (2200:72) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (CM) 11/21/2024:
Appended new data from study(s):
Centredale RI Litigation Soil 2021 (3400:17)
Centredale Background PDI Fldpn, Sed & Soil 2019 (3400:18)
Centredale Source Area PDI Sed & Soil 2018-22 (3400:19)
Centredale Allendale Reach PDI Sediment 2020-22 (3400:20)
Centredale Source Area Cover Const Soil 2019-21 (3400:21)
Centredale Sed Dewatering Facility Sed 2019 (3400:22)
Centredale Allendale Pond PDI Sed & Soil 2019-22 (3400:23)
Centredale AP Drum Sampling Sed & Soil 2021-22 (3400:24)
Centredale AP Remediation Sed & Soil 2022-23 (3400:25)
Centredale Lyman Mill Stream PDI Sed&Soil 2021-23 (3400:26)
Centredale Lyman Mill Pond PDI Sed & Soil 2021 (3400:27)
Centredale Sed Treatability Facility Soil 2020-21 (3400:28)
Centredale Soil 2021 (3400:29)
Centredale North of Smith Street Soil Inv. 2023 (3400:30)
Centredale Phase I PDI Hydro Modeling Soil 2019 (3400:31)
Centredale Phase II PDI Tissue 2019-2020 (3400:32)
Updated sharing status of study Lower Hackensack Sediment 2021 (2200:Z1) to Publicly Available.
November 20, 2024
- Added new ‘TEQ for Mammals (WHO 2022)’ query to Explorer
- Added fields to select Query Grids and Exports, such as SmpCode, Replicate, and Related Sample Group which are required to recreate unique records from concatenated fields for some data in DIVER Explorer
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR,NW) 11/07/2024:
Updated average length and total weight for fallfish and shiner composites from validated data from Access database file DSR_Appendix C, D, or E in the following studies:
GE Fish Tissue data, 2020 (2400:Wk)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2022 (2400:Wo)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2023 (2400:Wp) -
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (DM) 10/21/2024:
Updated Project ID from 35 to 8 in studies:
MDEQ Oyster Cultch Early Rest Monitoring Fall 2014 (0608:L4)
MDEQ Oyster Cultch Early Rest Monitoring June 2014 (0608:L9)
September 26, 2024
- Added the updated OR&R Survey text & link to https://www.diver.orr.noaa.gov/survey-landing-page
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 09/25/2024:
Updated the Sharing Status of the following studies to "Publicly Available"
GE Fish Tissue data, 2023 (2400:Wp)
GE Sediment Radio Chemistry 2022 (2400:ZI) -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (HA,LD,PS,HA,WR,US,AK) 09/20/2024:
Updated smpmaster biolab/fieldobs records to ensure consistency in default values.
Updated TBFLANTH to BBJKF. Based on Analyte name: Benzofluoranthenes, Total (b+k+j) or Benzo(b,j,k)fluoranthenes. 512 records total.
Gasco AIR Data Gaps Initial Fall 2010 (1097:V4) (n=100),
Gasco AIR Data Gaps Retest Spr 2011 (1097:V5 ) (n=8),
Lower Duwamish Early Action 2 2007-2016 (1099:U5) (n=383).
Duplicate records deleted due to reporting the same result with the chemcodes NITROGEN and NO2NO3_N.
Columbia River Component Risk Assessment DUA0002 (1094:A2) (n=81)
RI/FS for 100-DR-1 DR-2 HR-1 HR-2 HR-3 DUA0011 (1094:A3) (n=1)
Updated CHEMCODE PCT_FINES to PCT_FINESR where the result was from a reported result. This was done to distinguish reported results from DB calculated % fines. -
Southeast Regional Data 09/13/2024
Updated smpmaster biolab/fieldobs records to ensure consistency in default values.
Updated reported percent fines chemcodes to distinguish from DB calculated percent fine sums.
Updated nitrogen chemcodes for consistency with analytes names and updated dictionary values. -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW,HR) 09/11/2024:
Updated the depth ranges for 32 samples with LTM (Long Term Monitoring) in the sample identifier from 0 to 0.5 ft (15.24 cm) as noted by data provider and updated the lower depth of grab samples to be "-9" for 71 sample identifiers not tagged as LTM following database conventions in study Berry's Creek Monitored Natural Recovery 2012-2015 (2200:V8).
Updated the studyname from Pierson's Creek 2000 - 2016 Historical Data sinc the study only contains records from 2018 and 2019 in study Troy Chemical EPA Pierson's Creek OU2 RI 2018-2019 (2200:Z2)
Updated the Sharing Status of the following studies to "Publicly Available"
Troy Chemical EPA Pierson's Creek OU2 RI 2018-2019 (2200:Z2)
NYSDEC Fish, 2021 (DE23:71)
NYSDEC Fish, 2019 (DE23:70)
NYSDEC Fish, 2018 (DE23:69)
NYSDEC Fish, 2017 (DE23:68)
NYSDEC Fish, 2016 (DE23:67) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 08/05/2024:
Appended new data from study(s):
Passaic River PDI OU2 2017 Sediment (2200:Z3)
Passaic River PDI OU2 2018 Sediment (2200:Z4)
Passaic River PDI OU2 2019 Sediment (2200:Z5)
August 29, 2024
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS) 07/23/2024:
Appended new data from study(s):
PSAMP Urban Waters Initiative 2013 (1099:V5)
PSAMP Urban Waters Initiative 2021 (1099:V6)
Annotated existing Ampilesca toxicity samples that are also in the 1998 PSAMP program dataset in study:
NS&T 1998 Central Puget Sound (1099:D3)
July 11, 2024
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 07/01/2024:
Appended new data from study(s):
C Street Slip USEPA 2022 Supplemental Inv (0531:99)
River Raisin 2016-2021 Long Term Monitoring Study (5300:04)
River Raisin 2014 Supplemental Pre-Design Inv (5300:05)
Clinton River USACE 2019 Addt'l PCB Delineation (5300:06)
Ottawa River OEPA 2022 4Y Sediment Sampling (5300:08)
Milwaukee Estuary GLNPO 2022 Data Gap Inv (5600:08)
Torch/Linden Lake MDEQ 2005-2017 Site Inv (5700:02)
Recalculated TEQ analysis tables with new WHO 2022 mammal model. -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW,HR) 06/13/2024:
Added new soil, investigator waste and water chemistry records and updated studynotes in studies:
Troy Chemical EPA Delancy Street 2006-2015 (2200:U3)
Troy Chemical EPA Pierson's Creek 2016 (2200:U4)
Troy Chemical EPA 2000-2016 (2200:U5)
Re-calculated PCBs, total congeners (QM calculated) (ChemCode PCB_SUM_P) and PCBs, total (QM calculated) (ChemCode PCB_SUM) to correct calculation error in the following studies. Aroclor and Homolog sums in the same studies are unaffected:
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 (2200:W8)
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 Oversight (2200:W9)
Hudson River CARP II - Loading and ambient water (2400: ZF)
Hudson River CARP II - Sediment & Bioaccumulation (2400: ZG)
Hudson River CARP II - Porewater passive samples (2400: ZH) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR) 05/23/2024:
Updates to studies:
PR BRI Bird and Mammal Tissue 1994-2017 (3200:84)
PR Hg Sed & Tissue sampling 2002-2015 (3200:02)
Review of associated records in study PR BRI Bird and Mammal Tissue 1994-2017 (3200:84) and PR Hg Sed & Tissue sampling 2002-2015 (3200:02) revealed that bird, crustacean and invertebrate tissue chemistry records in both studies were found to have similar sample values that only differ due to precision of coordinates, precision of result concentration values or specificity of tissue type designations. These records came from two different data provider submissions and were not detected previously due to differing source sample ID conventions and the variance in the result and coordinate values.
Matching crustacean tissue chemistry records were removed from Study 02. These records were found to have similar sample values to PR EGAD 2014 studies.
Matching invertebrate and bird tissue chemistry were retained in Study 02 because the lab information was more complete. The matching records were removed from Study 84 but retained in the backend excluded chemistry (chemxtedd) table to avoid data loss. Some records in Study 84 were found on review to not be duplicates but additional chemistry records for the same individual samples found in Study 02. These records were transferred to Study 02 in order to keep all chemistry records from the same organism together in the same study.
Sample information such as Sex, Lifestage and Weight were available in the matched samples in Study 84 and were updated in Study 02. Study 02 stations with null (0/0) coordinates were updated with coordinates from matched stations previously in Study 84. Some Study 02 stations with null (0/0) coordinates were removed after match to stations previously in Study 84 because they consisted of multiple samples taken at the same location and were given a common stationID following database conventions. -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (BC,HR) 04/09/2024:
Added Berrys Creek Station Group. Regenerated station list table.
Updated PCB_SUM_AR lab rep values that only had lab rep 2 for the sample to lab rep 1 in study "GE surface sediment data 2021"(2400:ZE); added records to the chempref_ts table.
Recalculated TEQ analysis tables with new WHO 2022 mammal model.
Added species names from field observation table to the species dictionary.
January 18, 2024
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN,HR, NW) 12/15/2023:
Appended new data from study(s):
Hudson River Mussel Pop Survey 2013, 2015 (2400:ZJ)
Hudson River Mussel Thin Sectioning 2018 - 2022 (2400:ZK)
Updated species names for tissue composite samples to reflect full names of the contributing species for bass and catfish composites; Split species designation of generic sunfish into pumpkinseed or redbreast species following source data table G2; Updated species, tissue type and sampling information for unknown values to values from source table G2; in studies:
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 (2200:W8)
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 Oversight (2200:W9)
Updated chemcodes for co-eluting congeners to eliminate redundant co-elution chemical lists in the following studies:
Raritan Bay NJDEP Toxics in Fish Mon 2004-05 (2200:99)
GE Fish Data 1997 (PTI) (2400:W0)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2016 (400:We)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2016 Re-analysis (2400:Wg)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2020 (2400:Wk)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2022 (2400:Wo)
GE surface sediment data 2021 (2400:ZE)
2013 Pinkney Anacostia River and Potomac River Tis (3000:E8)
December 12, 2023
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,KR,SL,GR,US) 11/15/2023:
Updated chemcodes for co-eluting congeners to eliminate redundant co-elution chemical lists in the following studies:
SL Minnesota Slip 1999 MPCA Remed Scoping (0531:22)
SL Slip C 1997 MPCA Assessment Study (0531:23)
Michigan 1980-2012 Fish Tissue Data (5900:MI)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1992 (MWL:07)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1993 (MWL:08)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1994 (MWL:09)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1995 (MWL:10)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1997 (MWL:12)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1998 (MWL:13)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 1999 (MWL:14)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2000 (MWL:15)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2001 (MWL:16)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2002 (MWL:17)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2003 (MWL:18)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2004 (MWL:19)
Great Lakes Special Study: Mussel Watch 2000 (MWL:1X)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2005 (MWL:20)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2009 (MWL:24)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2010 (MWL:25)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2011 (MWL:26)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2012 (MWL:27)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes 2013 (MWL:28)
Mussel Watch:Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2012-13 (MWL:2X)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2014 (MWL:A0)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2014 (MWL:A1)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2015 (MWL:A2)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2015 (MWL:A3)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2016 (MWL:A4)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2016 (MWL:A5)
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,DM) 11/15/2023:
Updated Data Source in study table and studynotes for the studies:
MDEQ Oyster Cultch Early Rest Monitoring Fall 2014 (0608:L4)
MDEQ Oyster Cultch Early Rest Monitoring June 2014 (0608:L9)
Updated chemcodes for co-eluting congeners to eliminate redundant co-elution chemical lists in the following studies:
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1988 (MWGX:03)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1989 (MWGX:04)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1990 (MWGX:05)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1991 (MWGX:06)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1992 (MWGX:07)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1993 (MWGX:08)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1994 (MWGX:09)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1995 (MWGX:10)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1996 (MWGX:11)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1997 (MWGX:12)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1998 (MWGX:13)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 1999 (MWGX:14)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 2000 (MWGX:15)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 2001 (MWGX:16)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 2002 (MWGX:17)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 2003 (MWGX:18)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 2004 (MWGX:19)
Mussel Watch:Gulf Coast 2005 (MWGX:20)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 1992 (MWPR:07)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 1993 (MWPR:08)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 1996 (MWPR:11)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 1998 (MWPR:13)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 2000 (MWPR:15)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 2002 (MWPR:17)
Mussel Watch:Puerto Rico 2004 (MWPR:19)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1988 (MWS:03)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1989 (MWS:04)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1990 (MWS:05)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1991 (MWS:06)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1992 (MWS:07)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1993 (MWS:08)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1994 (MWS:09)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1995 (MWS:10)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1996 (MWS:11)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1997 (MWS:12)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1998 (MWS:13)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 1999 (MWS:14)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 2000 (MWS:15)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 2001 (MWS:16)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 2002 (MWS:17)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 2003 (MWS:18)
Mussel Watch:South Atlantic 2005 (MWS:20)
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (AK,LD,US,PS) 11/15/2023:
Appended new data from study:
Western Mariner Preassessment Tissue (1092:A1)
Updated chemcodes for co-eluting congeners to eliminate redundant co-elution chemical lists in the following studies:
NOAA Benthic Surveillance Sediment 1984-87 (1096:02)
NOAA Bering Sea Study 1994 (1096:05)
NOAA Pribilofs Special Study 2000 (1096:06)
NOAA Special Alaska Study 2007 (1096:07)
NOAA Southwest Alaska Nearshore Monitoring 2007 (1096:08)
NOAA Kachemak Bay Sediment 2007 (1096:09)
NOAA AKMAP Special Study 2007 (1096:10)
NOAA Resurrection Bay Intercomparison Project 2009 (1096:11)
NOAA North Pacific Research Board Study 2010 (1096:12)
Portland Harbor PAH Forensics 2014-2015 (1097:U3)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1988 (MWAK:03)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1990 (MWAK:05)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1991 (MWAK:06)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1992 (MWAK:07)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1993 (MWAK:08)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1995 (MWAK:10)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1997 (MWAK:12)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 1999 (MWAK:14)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 2001 (MWAK:16)
Mussel Watch:Alaska 2003 (MWAK:18)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1988 (MWOR:03)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1989 (MWOR:04)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1990 (MWOR:05)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1991 (MWOR:06)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1992 (MWOR:07)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1993 (MWOR:08)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1994 (MWOR:09)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1995 (MWOR:10)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1996 (MWOR:11)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1997 (MWOR:12)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1998 (MWOR:13)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 1999 (MWOR:14)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 2000 (MWOR:15)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 2001 (MWOR:16)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 2002 (MWOR:17)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 2003 (MWOR:18)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Oregon 2004 (MWOR:19)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1988 (MWWA:03)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1989 (MWWA:04)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1990 (MWWA:05)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1991 (MWWA:06)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1992 (MWWA:07)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1993 (MWWA:08)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1994 (MWWA:09)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1995 (MWWA:10)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1996 (MWWA:11)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 1998 (MWWA:13)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 2000 (MWWA:15)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 2002 (MWWA:17)
Mussel Watch: West Coast/Washington 2004 (MWWA:19)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 11/07/2023:
Updated results in existing study:
NYSDEC Sediment, 2017 (2400:Ha)
Result concentrations of Aroclor 1221, PCBs, sum of tri - decachloro homologs (reported), PCBs, total Aroclors (reported) were updated. EPA re-calculated Aroclor 1221 concentrations using correct peak 2 which also affected the reported sums. PCB, total (calculated) and PCB, total Aroclors (calculated) Aroclors sums and probability of Toxicity Logistic Regression Model based on PCB sums were also re-calculated.
October 26, 2023
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 10/19/2023:
Updated study name to be consistent with previous GE Fish tissue study naming conventions with both spring and fall data:
GE Fish Tissue data, Spring 2022 (2400:Wo) re-named to GE Fish Tissue data, 2022 (2400:Wo)
Combined studies to be consistent with previous GE Fish tissue study naming conventions with both spring and fall data:
GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400: Wm) and GE Fish Tissue data, Spring 2020 (2400:Wk) combined into study GE Fish Tissue data, 2020 (2400:Wk)
Appended new PCB, Homolog and Fall Aroclor data to study:
GE Fish Tissue data, 2022 (2400:Wo)
Updated existing Spring 2022 data in study:
GE Fish Tissue data, 2022 (2400:Wo)
Updated Unknown lab names to lab names provided in latest database
Changed "QC Station" designation to "SRM" for reference material samples to be consistent with previous GE Fish tissue studies
Updated short QM SampleID names from numeric values to species code based IDs to be consistent with previous GE Fish tissue studies
Updated note in DATA SOURCE study note to reflect added calculated values in study:
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 (2200:W8)
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 (2200:W8)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 10/12/2023:
Appended additional whole body calculated sample results to study:
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 (2200:W8)
September 28, 2023
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 09/27/2023:
Appended new data from study(s):
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 (2200:W8)
Passaic CPG Curr Cond Biota 2019-2021 Oversight (2200:W9)
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS,LD) 08/08/2023:
Appended new Butyltin data to study(s):
Duwamish River Juv Chinook Chemistry 2018 (1099:V3)
Added data to study:
Lower Duwamish 2021 Resident Fish Sampling (1099:V4)
Updated Lower Duwamish 2019 Juv Pac Staghorn Sculpin Study (1099:U9)
March 30, 2023
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 03/11/2023:
Appended new data from study(s):
Ashtabula Harbor 2017 EPA Remedy Effectiveness (5300:98)
Cuyahoga River Gorge Dam 2021 GLNPO Rem Design (5300:99)
Monguagon Creek/Upper Trenton Ch. 2021 Sed Inv (5300:A0)
Buffalo River 2017 Sed Verification Monitoring (5300:A1)
Swan Creek 2021-22 Sed Char & Lab Bioaccumulation (5300:B2)
Ryerson Creek Outfall 2020 USEPA Remediation (5600:81)
Milwaukee Estuary AOC 2020 EPA Focused Feasibility (5600:82)
South Menomonee Canal and MKE AOC 2019-20 EPA PFAS (5600:89)
Milwaukee Fed Nav Channel 2020 USEPA/USACE Sed (5600:90)
Kinnickinnic R. & Milwaukee B. 2020-1 EPA/WDNR Sed (5600:91)
Ryerson Cr. Outfall 2019 EPA Pre-Design Inv (5600:92)
Milwaukee Estuary AOC 2021 EPA Focused Feasibility (5600:99)
Torch Lake 2005-17 USEPA/MDEQ Sed (5700:02)
Torch Lake 2020 USEPA Feasibility Study Data Gap (5700:03)
SL North End Dist 2020 Sed & Lab Bioaccumulation (0531:99)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR,DE,ER) 03/10/2023:
Appended new data from study(s):
Hudson River CARP II - Loading and ambient water (2400:ZF)
Hudson River CARP II - Sediment & Bioaccumulation (2400:ZG)
Hudson River CARP II - Porewater passive samples (2400:ZH)Hercules RI SW, Sediment and Soil 2010-2015 (0301:EK)
Elizabeth River RI Soil Sed Tissue 2015-2016 (2401:P6)
Added additional analytes (PCB156_157, recalculated PCB sums and reported Dioxin and Furan TEQS) to existing study:
NYU Hudson River Sturgeon Tissue 1984, 2014-2016 (2400:V9)
February 23, 2023
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR,HR) 02/16/2023:
Edits were made to existing Penobscot River studies.The following studies were merged into StudyName 'PR Hg Sed & Tissue sampling 2002-2015' (3200:02):
PR Hg 2006-2015 Tiss Sampling (3200:02)
PR Sed & Tissue sampling 2007-2010 (3200:68)The following studies were merged into StudyName 'PR Sed, Sed PW, Soil & Tiss sampling 1995-2012' (3200:03):
PR Hg 1995-2014 Historical Sampling (3200:03)
PR Sed & Water historical sampling 2006-2012 (3200:69)*
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed, Sed PW, Soil & Tiss 1997 (3200:18)
PR Hg MEDEP 1995,1997,2000,2015 Sed (3200:11)
*not all results for this study were mergedThe following studies were merged into StudyName 'PR 2016 Hg Study Phase 3' (3200:04):
PR Hg 2016 Sed, Wat, and Tiss (3200:04)
PR Hg 2017 Duck Monitoring (3200:13)
PR Sediment sampling 2016 (WO 004) (3200:70)
PR Sed & Tiss Monitoring 2016 (WO 005) (3200:71)The following studies were merged into StudyName 'PR 2017 Hg Study Phase 3' (3200:06):
PR Hg 2017-2018 Monitoring (3200:06)
PR Sed & PW Waste Characterization 2017 (WO 2A-02) (3200:72)
PR Leachability Study 2017 (WO 2A-051) (3200:73)
PR Leachability Study 2017 (WO 2A-053) (3200:74)
PR Sed sampling 2017 (WO 4A-020) (3200:75)
PR Sediment Marsh Pltfrm 2017 (WO 4A-030) (3200:76)
PR Sediment Monitoring 2017 (WO 4A-040) (3200:77)
PR Surface Water sampling 2017 (WO 4A-040) (3200:78)
PR Sed & Tiss Monitoring 2017 (WO 4A-050) (3200:79)
PR Sed Monitoring Add'l 2017 (WO 4A-050) (3200:80)
PR Mobile Sediment Pool Char 2017 (WO 4A-060) (3200:81)
PR Sediment sampling 2017 (WO 4A-070) (3200:82)
PR Sediment sampling 2017 (WO 4A-080) (3200:83)Studyname was changed from 'PR Sed & Water historical sampling 2006-2012' to 'PR Sed & Water laboratory study 2007-2012' (3200:69).
Study notes and study references were edited for the following studies:
PR Hg Sed & Tissue sampling 2002-2015 (3200:02)
PR Sed, Sed PW, Soil & Tiss sampling 1995-2012 (3200:03)
PR 2016 Hg Study Phase 3 (3200:04)
PR Hg 2016 Biota Monitoring (3200:05)
PR 2017 Hg Study Phase 3 (3200:06)Results from the updated AMEC database (Penobscot_TED_Export_121521.mdb) included laboratory replicate results that were assigned distinct Sample IDs (e.g., OV-02_052417_SW_10_R1, OV-02_052417_SW_10_R2, OV-02_052417_SW_10_R3) and were associated with an averaged result from the original AMEC database (Penobscot_TED_Export.mdb). The averaged result was removed from DIVER, the SampleID's were standardized to remove the lab replicate suffix (e.g., OV-02_052417_SW_10), and the LabRep field was used to identify the lab replicates.
The logistic regression model analysis tables were recalculated for all Penobscot studies.
Edits were made to the following Hudson River studies:
In the chemmaster PDB table null dataset values were replaced with the correct value in the following studies:
GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400:Wm)
GE Fish Tissue data, Spring 2020 (2400:Wk)The TOCLipidLR and the pct_lipid column values were corrected and the Dioxin Toxicity Equivalency analysis tables were recalculated in the following studies:
GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2018 (2400:Wh)
January 26, 2023
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE/DM) 01/23/2023:
Updated ShareStatus and Study Notes for:
Breton Islands Grainsize & Benthic Inv. 2018 (0608:A7)
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE/DM) 01/10/2023:
Updated studies included in the six LTDM Pilot projects.
MS Upper Pascagoula WQE 2018-2019 (0608:A1)
Alabama Swift Tract Living Shoreline 2017 (0608:A2)
Alabama Swift Tract Living Shoreline 2018 (0608:A3)
Alabama Swift Tract Living Shoreline 2019 (0608:A4)
North Breton Island Shorebird Survey 2018/2019 (0608:A5)
Cheniere Ronquille CPRA Vegetation Fall 2019 (0608:A6)
Shell Island Restoration CPRA Vegetation Fall 2018 (0608:A8)
Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation CPRA Vegetation 2016 (0608:A9)
Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation CPRA Vegetation 2018 (0608:B1)
Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation CPRA Vegetation 2020 (0608:B2)
MDEQ Oyster Settlement Tray Study 2014 to 2018 (0608:B3)
MDEQ Oyster Reef Assmnt Dredge/Tow Study 2016-18 (0608:B4)
MDEQ Oyster Settlement Basket Study 2014 to 2018 (0608:B5)
Grand Bay Vegetation 2018 (0608:B6)
Grand Bay Vegetation 2019 (0608:B7)
Grand Bay Vegetation 2020 (0608:B8)
Grand Bay Vegetation 2021 (0608:B9)
Grand Bay Avian Monitoring 2019-2022 (0608:C1)
MDEQ Oyster Cultch Early Rest Monitoring Fall 2014 (0608:L4)
MDEQ Oyster Cultch Early Rest Monitoring June 2014 (0608:L9)
December 15, 2022
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN) 12/03/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
2016-2018 Anacostia USFWS-UMBC Passive Sampling (3000:F2)
2018-2020 Anacostia DOEE Fish Tissue Monitoring (3000:F3)
October 27, 2022
Portland Harbor Admin Record
- Implemented ability to eliminate the index number from the Public PH AR site.
- Implemented ability to hide index categories with no documents in the Public PH AR site.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 10/25/2022:
Updated study name and lower sampling depth values in study:
GE surface sediment data 2021 (2400:ZE)
Updated Unknown species name to Lake Trout in SRM 1946 and SRM 1947 samples in studies:
GE Fish Tissue data, 2018 (2400:Wh)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2019 (2400:Wj)
GE Fish Tissue data, Spring 2020 (2400:Wk)
GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400:Wm)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN,HR) 10/21/2022:
Updated lab rep designations for dioxin PCD2378 so that the preferred lab rep 1 is assigned to samples with method 1613B in the following studies. Consequentlythe teq and lrm summary calculations were re-calculated.
2013-2016 DOEE Anacostia River Sed and Porewater (3000:E1)
2013-2016 DOEE Anacostia River Tissue Chemistry (3000:E2)
2013-2016 Washington Navy Yard Sediment (3000:E3)
2015 DOEE Anacostia River Bioaccumulation (3000:E4)
2015-2016 DOEE Background Sediment (3000:E5)
Updated unknown and null values for Lab Name, Tissue Type, Sample Collection Type and Dataset for study:
GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 10/11/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
GE/EPA Surface Sediment data, 2021 (2400:ZE)
Updated study notes in study GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
September 29, 2022
Admin Record
- Made File Date the default Search Date selected on the Admin Record site.
- Corrected a configuration issue where Restoration Project queries were failing.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 09/29/2022:
Appended new data to study(s):
GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR,NW) 09/23/2022:
Updated study notes in the following studies:
Berrys Creek Baseline Monitoring 2019-21 (2200:W7)
PR Hg 2017-2018 Monitoring (3200:06)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 09/16/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
Berrys Creek Baseline Monitoring 2019-21 (2200:W7)
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,LA,SD,CC) 09/06/2022:
Appended new sportfish tissue chemistry data to study(s):
CA Bight Sed, Tox and Tissue 2018 (0925:03)
August 25, 2022
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 08/02/2022:
Added four stations from National Program study R-EMAP NY/NJ Harbor SedTox 200(E02V:57) to the NY/NJ Harbor Station Group. Stations include 'UH354','UH366','UH356', and 'UH361'.
July 28, 2022
- Updated the Export Metadata to show the min/max lat/long based on the actual data (rather than the area searched).
- Added field definition hover text for the Reported Taxon and Lowest Taxa Level fields.
- Updated content and added folder organization within Explorer exports.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR) 07/13/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
Penobscot River (PR) BRI Bird and Mammal Tissue 1994-2017 (3200:84)
June 30, 2022
- Corrected an issue in Firefox where downloaded JSON or WKT files from the Spatial Filter did not have a file extension.
- Implemented an update to the Photos tab in Explorer so that it has Options>Show latitude and longitude on photos.
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (KL) 06/29/2022:
Added new station group "Kalamazoo River". Removed "KZ" prefix from 144 studynames which indicated Kalamazoo studies since they will now be included in the station group. -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN,PR) 06/14/2022:
In study 2013 Pepco Anacostia River Sediment (3000:E7), analytes were provided in two source datasets which were ingested at two different times. The previously calculated database sums for PCB Aroclors, Homologs and Congeners as well as LPAH and Total PAH did not include all analytes. These sums were re-calculated to include all available analytes typical for the sum. The Aroclor sum was used for the PCB_SUM chemcode.
Replaced null (-9) TOC and percent fines values with values from other analytes in the same sample and lab rep for consistency in the following studies:
2013 Pepco Anacostia River Sediment (3000:E7)
AN DOEE RI Pepco Phase 1-2 2013-2018 (3000:E9)
PR Hg DEP 2015-2016 Remediation (3200:10)
PR Hg MEDEP 1995,1997,2000,2015 Sed (3200:10)
June 2, 2022
- Added DWH MDBC Portfolio as a new drop-down value under the Projects menu heading in Public DIVER.
- Added the TOC (Total Organic Carbon) field to specific Environmental dataset queries.
- Corrected issue where selecting specific points in multi-chem queries would empty out values.
- Corrected issue where ISO Metadata (HTML) and (XML) would not download properly from Explorer.
- Corrected issue with missing values in Explorer "Map Location" sub-tables.
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 05/13/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
SL Spirit Lake 2016-17 Sed Remed Pre-Design Invest (0532:87)
April 28, 2022
- Added fields Lowest Taxa Level and Reported Taxon to all Environmental dataset queries that include any species information.
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SS) 04/19/2022:
Updated the name of Station Group "Ciba Geigy Alabama" to "Lower Tombigbee River"
March 31, 2022
- For instances where the user has used a spatial filter for a query, added a feature to include that area as a shapefile within the export package.
- Implemented the ability for users to draw multi-part polygons in the spatial filter UI.
- Updated the photo export to include full resolution photo files, instead of medium sized photos.
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,LA,SD,CC) 03/10/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
CA Bight Sed, Tox and Tissue 2018 (0925:03) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 02/28/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
GE Fish Tissue data, 2021 (2400:Wn)
February 25, 2022
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,DM) 02/17/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
FL - Forest - FL1-2 St Joe Bay State Preserve Stwd (0608:19)
FL - Inv Mngt - FL2-1a Jones Swamp Wtlnd Preserve (0608:20)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-3a - Joshua Poole (0608:21)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-3b - Sharon Jarvis (0608:22)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-3d - Dwight Polk (0608:23)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-3e - Mr/Mrs Cardona (0608:24)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-3f - Jacque Lebeau (0608:25)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-3g - Beck and Swensen (0608:26)
FL - Shoreline Restore - FL2-8 Escambia Shore Prep (0608:27)
LA - Forest - LA2-2a Sam Houston Jones Stwdship (0608:28)
LA - Forest - LA2-3b St Tammany Parrish TNC Burn (0608:29)
MS - Forest - MS1-2 De Soto National Forest (0608:30)
TX - Inv Mngt - TX1-2 Artist Boat/Coastal Hrtg Pr (0608:31)
TX - Inv Mngt - TX1-3 Virginia Point Marsh (0608:32)
TX - Inv Mngt - TX2-1 Port Aransas Nature Preserve (0608:33)
TX - Inv Mngt - TX2-7b Goose Island State Park (0608:34)
TX - Shoreline Restore - TX1-3 Virginia Pt Marsh (0608:35) -
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,DM) 02/07/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
AL - Debris/Other - AL1-1 Weeks Bay NERR (0608:01)
AL - Debris/Other - AL1-6b Three Mile Crk Inv Plt (0608:02)
AL - Forest - AL1-1 Weeks Bay NERR (0608:03)
AL - Forest - AL1-2 South AL Land Trust (0608:04)
AL - Forest - AL1-7a Dauphin Island Parks (0608:05)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-11c Bay Rd. / Laurendine (0608:06)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-11e South Salt Aire (0608:07)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-11f Pine Top (0608:08)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-2 South AL Land Trust (0608:09)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-3a Three Mile Crk Snail Remove (0608:10)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-3b Grand Bay Savanna (0608:11)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-5a D'Olive Watershed (0608:12)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-6b Three Mile Creek Inv Plants (0608:13)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-6c Schwarz Park (0608:14)
AL - Inv Mngt - AL1-7a Dauphin Island Parks (0608:15)
AL - Shoreline Restore - AL1-2 South AL Land Trust (0608:16)
AL - Shoreline Restore - AL1-4b Little Lagoon (0608:17)
AL - Shoreline Restore - AL1-7a Dauphin Isld Parks (0608:18)
February 10, 2022
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR) 02/08/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
PR Sed & Tissue Fall sampling 2020 (3200:63)
PR Water sampling Oct 2020 (3200:64)
PR Water sampling Spring 2020 (3200:65)
PR Tissue sampling Summer 2020 (3200:66)
PR Sed & Tissue sampling 2021 (3200:67)
PR Sed & Tissue sampling 2007-2010 (3200:68)
PR Sed & Water historical sampling 2006-2012 (3200:69)
PR Sediment sampling 2016 (WO 004) (3200:70)
PR Sed & Tiss Monitoring 2016 (WO 005) (3200:71)
PR Sed & PW Waste Characterization 2017 (WO 2A-02) (3200:72)
PR Leachability Study 2017 (WO 2A-051) (3200:73)
PR Leachability Study 2017 (WO 2A-053) (3200:74)
PR Sed sampling 2017 (WO 4A-020) (3200:75)
PR Sediment Marsh Pltfrm 2017 (WO 4A-030) (3200:76)
PR Sediment Monitoring 2017 (WO 4A-040) (3200:77)
PR Surface Water sampling 2017 (WO 4A-040) (3200:78)
PR Sed & Tiss Monitoring 2017 (WO 4A-050) (3200:79)
PR Sed Monitoring Add'l 2017 (WO 4A-050) (3200:80)
PR Mobile Sediment Pool Char 2017 (WO 4A-060) (3200:81)
PR Sediment sampling 2017 (WO 4A-070) (3200:82)
PR Sediment sampling 2017 (WO 4A-080) (3200:83) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR) 02/06/2022:
Appended new data from study(s):
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 1994 (3200:14)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed, Soil & Tiss 1995 (3200:15)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 1996 (3200:16)
PR EGAD Souadabscook Stream Tiss 1996 (3200:17)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed, Sed PW, Soil & Tiss 1997 (3200:18)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Soil 1998 (3200:19)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Soil 1999 (3200:20)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed, Soil & Tiss 2000 (3200:21)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2001 (3200:22)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 2004 (3200:23)
PR EGAD Fort Point Cove Sed & Tiss 2005 (3200:24)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Soil 2005 (3200:25)
PR EGAD Long Cove Stockton Harbor Sed & Tiss 2005 (3200:26)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 2005 (3200:27)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 2006 (3200:28)
PR EGAD West Penobscot Bay Tiss 2006 (3200:29)
PR EGAD Goose Falls Outlet Cape Rosier Tiss 2007 (3200:30)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 2007 (3200:31)
PR EGAD Belfast Harbor Tiss 2008 (3200:32)
PR EGAD Northport Saturday Cove Tiss 2008 (3200:33)
PR EGAD Sears Island Tiss 2008 (3200:34)
PR EGAD Tannery Brook Tiss 2009 (3200:35)
PR EGAD Morse Cove Tiss 2010 (3200:36)
PR EGAD Wadsworth Cove Tiss 2010 (3200:37)
PR EGAD Penobscot Bay West Moose Point Tiss 2010 (3200:38)
PR EGAD Fort Point Cove Tiss 2011 (3200:39)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Soil 2011 (3200:40)
PR EGAD Sandy Point Tiss 2011 (3200:41)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Soil 2013 (3200:42)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 2013 (3200:43)
PR EGAD Sears Island Tiss 2013 (3200:44)
PR EGAD Cape Jellison Tiss 2014 (3200:45)
PR EGAD Fort Point Tiss 2014 (3200:46)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2014 (3200:47)
PR EGAD Odom Ledge Tiss 2014 (3200:48)
PR EGAD Sears Island Tiss 2014 (3200:49)
PR EGAD Turner Point Tiss 2014 (3200:51)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2015 (3200:52)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2016 (3200:53)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2017 (3200:55)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2018 (3200:56)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2020 (3200:58)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Sed & Soil 2021 (3200:59)
PR EGAD Penobscot River Tiss 2002 (3200:60)
PR EGAD Holtrachem Soil 1990 (3200:61)
Edits made to existing studies in SiteID 3200 to make adjustments for duplicates introduced by appending the EGAD data source:
Studynames for Study IDs 01 – 13 were edited to change ‘Penobscot River’ to ‘PR’, to match the studyname convention implemented for the EGAD data source.
Results for SE_MECURY were included into Study 11 for the following: RSD-04B, RSD-05A, RSD-06B, RSD-07C, RSD-08A.
The following Station IDs were changed from Study 11 to Study 03: RSD-017, RSD-018, RSD-019, RSD-020.
Station IDs with ‘DP’ prefixes in Study 11 were removed – these are replaced with the EGAD results in Study 21.
Station IDs MC-A, MC-B, MC-C and SC-1 in Study 11 were removed – these are replaced with the EGAD results in Study 21.
Station IDs with ‘F’ prefixes in Study 03 were removed – these are replaced with the EGAD results in Study 21.
Station IDs with ‘SD-’ prefixes in Study 03 were removed – these are replaced with the EGAD results in Study 22.
Station IDs with ‘SD-SC’ prefixes in Study 10 and 11 were merged into Study 10 and duplicates were removed based on additions from the EGAD data source. Real duplicates were removed; when there were results for the same samples with different results (often as a result of different DVLevels), lab reps were assigned to the ‘NV’ DVLevel.
January 27, 2022
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (LD) 01/21/2022:
Updated share status of study "Lower Duwamish Sediment Sampling Study 2020" (1099:V1)
November 2, 2021
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN) 10/28/2021:
Updated studyname of study "USFWS Anacostia Christina Rvr Fish Tumor 1992-2020" (3000:F1) -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (WR) 10/20/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
Gasco AIR Data Gaps Initial Fall 2010 (1097:V4)
Gasco AIR Data Gaps Retest Spr 2011 (1097:V5) -
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 10/19/2021:
Added SiteID 0532 with Case/Activity name ‘St. Louis River-US Steel’
The SiteID was changed from 0531 to 0532 for the following 16 studies:
SLR US Steel Spplmntl 5 Yr Investigation 2004-2009 (0532:L1)
SLR US Steel Phase II Site Assessment 1993 (0532:L2)
SLR US Steel Response Action Plan 1996 (0532:L3)
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 1985-1996 (0532:L4)
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 2008 (0532:L5)
SLR US Steel Technical Memorandum: 1985 (0532:L6)
SLR US Steel River Water Quality Impact 1983 (0532:L7)
SLR US Steel Routine SW Monitoring 1985-2019 (0532:L8)
SLR US Steel Soil Ground Water Investigation 1981 (0532:L9)
SL US Steel Superfund Site 2003 URS (0532:54)
SL US Steel Superfund Site 2003 MPCA (0532:55)
SL Spirit Lake 2011 US Steel Summer Sed Inv (0532:85)
SL Spirit Lake 2011 US Steel Fall Sed Inv (0532:86)
SL US Steel 2015 MPCA Sed/PW (0532:92)
SL Spirit Lake 2012 USEPA/US Steel (0532:BL)
US Steel Macroinvertebrate Survey (0532:M5)
The chemmaster.pct_Fines field was updated for various studies
The data type of the EditDate field was changed for some tables
The station.WShedList field was updated to include the 'SL' WShedID, and the stnlist table was expanded accordingly, for each station for the following studies:
SL Crawford Creek 1999 Koppers Industries (0531:76)
SL Crawford Creek 1996 Koppers Industries (0531:AC)
SL Crawford Creek 2003 Koppers Industries (0531:AD)
SL Crawford Creek 2005 Koppers Industries (0531:AE)
SL Crawford Creek 2013-14 Koppers Industries (0531:AF)
Updates were made to the following studies, based on changes indicated in the 'GLSEDv4.6_VersionControlForm_01122021.xlsx':
5600:H5 Results for Method SW8082A (Aroclors) were updated for field duplicate samples (FDUP) and the associated PCB_SUM_A and PCB_SUM totals were re-calculated
5600:H1 Updated the QUALCODE to J for one % moisture and 37 BNASIM (PAH) results for Sample MK-FP-08-0.5/1.5. PAH totals for this sample did not require re-calculation due to this update -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PE,PC) 10/12/2021:
Appended new study:
Piles Creek 2020-2021 Sediment Mercury Isotope (2205:BJ)
Changed name of "202Hg/198Hg" isotope analysis in study "Penobscot River Hg 1995-2014 Historical Sampling" (3200:03) to "Mercury 202:198" to be consistent with the chemical dictionary value -
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AL) 10/08/2021:
Updated chemcode for delta 202 mercury for consistency with other mercury isotope chemcodes in study "Mercury Source 2018 Mobile and Tombigbee River, AL" (6204:AI)
October 6, 2021
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 09/21/2021:
Corrected longitude coordinate for sample SS04-2-C-E in study Hudson River Avian Eggs 2004 (2400:ZD) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 09/07/2021:
Updated coordinates and river mile for LD1F station in study GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400:Wm) to be consistent with sampling transect depicted in the 2021 Data Summary Report Figure 2-3b. -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS,LD,WR) 08/31/2021:
Updated Final Qualifier, DVQualifier and Qualcode to match revised validated EDD for 53 PCB congener records in study Portland Harbor Phase 3 Subyearling Chinook 2018 (1097:U8)
August 26, 2021
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 08/04/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
Ashtabula River EPA/DoD 2018 Remedy Effectiveness (5300:89)
Cuyahoga River Gorge Dam 2019 Sed, SW, Groundwater (5300:91)
Detroit River EPA 2018 Sediment Site Char. (5300:88)
Indiana Harbor Canal EPA 2006 Sed Inv (5600:87)
Indiana Harbor Canal EPA 2018 TSCA Feasibility st. (5600:86)
Milwaukee River EPA 2018 DS Reach 4 Sed Inv (5600:85)
Munger Landing EPA 2018 Site Characterization (0531:N4)
Ottawa River EPA 2019 Reach 1 Sed & Bioaccum (5300:90)
Zephyr GLLA 2018 Remediation Project (5600:88) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN) 08/04/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
USFWS Anacostia Fish Tumor Assessment 1992-2020 (3000:F1) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 08/04/2021:
Updated default noincomp values for samptype SMP samples from -9 to 1 to match other case studies in study:
GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400:Wm)
June 29, 2021
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (WR,LD,PS) 06/22/2021:
Added lab Liver Weight measurements to samples in Portland Harbor 2020 Juv Chinook Dietary Exposure (1097:V3).
Assigned AnlyType 'Stable Isotope Anslysis' for isotope results (BioLab) in study "Duwamish River Juv Chinook Otolith Analysis 2018" (1099:U7). Data change will be available by August 1, 2021.
Updated LabRep field for FieldObs Dissolved Oxygen results measured in 2 units in study "Lower Duwamish 2019 Juv Pac Staghorn Sculpin Study" (1099:U9).
For the following FieldObs studies, extracted species information in the Analysis entry and entered this information in the Species field:
"Duwamish River Juv Chinook Otolith Analysis 2018" (1099:U7),
"Portland Harbor Phase 3 Subyearling Chinook 2018" (1097:U8),
"Lower Duwamish 2019 Juv Pac Staghorn Sculpin Study" (1099:U9). -
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,DM,GA,TE) 06/14/2021:
Changed species code from BCF to BCAT for 131 records in multiple studies.
Assigned AnlyType 'Soil Ignitability' for Station 96073-MSA and 96115-05 in study "LCP GA Sediment Soil 1989-2007" (6203:A1); affected 23 FieldObs results. Previously was assigned AnlyType of 'Water Quality'. Data change will be available by August 1, 2021.
For the following studies, assigned AnlyType 'Contaminant Chem' and AnlyMatrix 'OL' for FieldObs results with Analysis = 'Extractable Hydrocarbons', 'Total (TEH)', 'Extractable Matter', 'Total (TEM)', 'Total Extractable Hydrocarbons (TEH)'. For other FieldObs Analysis of oil slick thickness, assigned AnlyMatrix to 'OL'.
"Taylor Energy Remote Sensing and Sampling 2016" (6201:L3)
"Taylor Energy Synoptic Sampling April 2017" (6201:L5)
"Taylor Energy Synoptic Sampling August 2017" (6201:L6)
June 3, 2021
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PH) 05/28/2021:
Released validated data for study "Portland Harbor Phase 3 Subyearling Chinook 2018" (1097:U8). Analyses include contaminant chemistry, otolith measurements, and genetic stock assessments
In study "Portland Harbor Pre RD Study 2018/2019" (1097:V1) updated null sample times for field duplicates in sediment cores to match the primary sample times (32 records). Consolidated the SampleID and SmpCode of the following core samples to include the analytical chemistry results with the geotechnical results under the same sampleID:
April 29, 2021
- Updated Field Definitions for some fields displayed in Explorer screens, exports, and metadata
- Addressed issue with truncation of exports to 80k records without any warning (updated export limit to 1M records, provided warning)
- Reset values for Source Type and Collection Form to "NOAA Posted Database" from “Query Manager” for Samples and Bioassay data
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 04/23/2021:
Appended new congener data and updated studynotes in study(s): GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400:Wm)
Updated PCB congener and homolog labrep designation from "1b" to "b" in study "GE Fish Tissue data, 2019" (2400:Wj) to align with designations in other studies -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AN) 04/19/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
AN DOEE RI Pepco Phase 1-2 2013-2018 (3000:E9)
Added new chemistry records to study: 2013 Pepco Anacostia River Sediment (3000:E7) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (CM) 04/12/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
Centredale Baseline Eco Risk Assessment 2001 (3400:01)
Centredale Pre-Design Investigation 2013 (3400:04)
Centredale RI12 Sed & Soil Oxbow Study 2004 (3400:05)
Centredale RI13 Surface Water 2004 (3400:06)
Centredale RI13C and RI15 Sediment 2003 & 2005 (3400:07)
Centredale RI8 Sediment Dating Study 2003 (3400:08)
Centredale Sed & Soil & SPMD Study 2005 (3400:09)
Centredale Sed & Soil Oxbow Study 2010 (3400:10)
Centredale Soil & Groundwater Battelle 2002 (3400:11)
Centredale Soil & Groundwater Inv 2008 (3400:12)
Centredale Soil Dioxins 1998-99 (3400:13)
Centredale Soil Dioxins 2002 (3400:14)
Centredale Tree Swallow Study 2001-2003 (3400:15)
Centredale Various Studies 1999-2001 (3400:16)
Updated the pct_fines chemaster column with values for samples with percent fines records but a -9 value in the pct_fines column in the following studies:
Penobscot River Hg 2016 Sed, Wat, and Tiss (3200:04)
Penobscot River Hg 2017-2018 Monitoring (3200:06)
Penobscot River Hg Yeager 2009 Sed Study (3200:07)
Penobscot River Hg WHOI 2011 Sed Sampling (3200:08)
Metro Soil study, Q4 2019 (3300:23)
Replaced negative pct_fines records with missing values for three samples (61W, OV2-Intertidal-A-0-3, OV2-Intertidal-B-0-3) in study Penobscot River Hg 1995-2014 Historical Sampling (3200:03)
Standardized biolab analysis names and updated the bfanalysis table -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR; NW) 04/08/2021
Corrected coordinates for StationID HR033A from 41.76965216, -73.96010585 were revised to 41.16965216, -73.88010585. The station is present in the following studies:
NYSDEC Biota Data 1975 -Atlantic Region (DE23:13)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1978 -Atlantic Region (DE23:16)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1979 -Atlantic Region (DE23:17)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1980 -Atlantic Region (DE23:18)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1995 -Atlantic Region (DE23:33) has congener splits with smpcode including "U". These were re-coded with labrep='b' to be consistent with other datasets
NYSDEC Biota Data 1997 -Atlantic Region (DE23:35) and NYSDEC Biota Data 1999 -Atlantic Region (DE23:37) have HV splits with standard fillet with smpcode including 'HV'.These were re-coded to labrep='2' to ensure that those splits are not included in a unique sample records and removed from the chempref_ts and dioxin teq tables
Aril 1, 2021
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (SL, GLR) 03/08/2021:
Added missing upper and lower depth values and coordinates for sediment composite samples for the following studies:
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 1985-1996(0531:L4)
SLR US Steel Technical Memorandum: 1985(0531:L6)
Values were previously present in the sample table Notes field. Upper and lower depths reflect the uppermost and lowermost values of any of the contributing parts samples. Composite sample coordinates reflect the centroid of the locations of the contributing parts samples.
Added missing lab qualifier of "<" and final qualcode of U for non-detects for 12215 records in the following studies:
SLR US Steel Phase II Site Assessment 1993(0531:L2)
SLR US Steel Response Action Plan 1996(0531:L3)
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 1985-1996(0531:L4)
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 2008(0531:L5)
SLR US Steel Technical Memorandum: 1985(0531:L6)
SLR US Steel Routine SW Monitoring 1985-2019(0531:L8)
SLR US Steel Soil Ground Water Investigation 1981(0531:L9)
February 25, 2021
- Implemented naming updates to select fields across the datasets in Explorer. (Table of affected fields)
- Total PAH calculations have been updated to merge Lab IDs across a given Sample ID. Total PAH calculations across multiple Lab IDs now have a Lab ID value of “Multiple Lab IDs”. The impact is an increase in the PAH sum for certain Sample IDs and an increased number of reported sums. Further details and a list of affected studies are located in this spreadsheet
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (AL) 02/24/2021:
Released the following studies in the Station Group “Ciba-Geigy Alabama”:
FWS_ECDMS Alabama Fish Tissue 1970-2017 (6204:A1)
Tombigbee Sed and Tissue 1992 (6204:A2)
Shoal Creek Sediments 1992 (6204:A3)
Law Enforcement Eagle Poisoning 1993 (6204:A4)
Prothonotary Warbler Monitoring 1993-97 (6204:A5)
Hunt Oil Sediment 1994-95 (6204:A6)
Critical Habitat Sediment 2000 (6204:A7)
Key Cave Feces Sediment Water 2002 (6204:A8)
Mobile Tensaw Sed tissue Water 2003-04 (6204:A9)
Boone Creek Water 2004 (6204:AA)
Pickwick Mussel Kill Sed Water 2006 (6204:AB)
Alcoa Red Mud Sed Tissue Water 2006 (6204:AC)
AWH Methyl Mercury Tissue 2006 (6204:AD)
MTRD GMP Mercury Sed Tissue Water 2006 (6204:AE)
Cahaba NWR Sediment 2013 (6204:AF)
Wheeler NWR Monitoring 1990-2004 (6204:AG)
Ciba-Geigy Olin Sediment Water Tissue 1991-2011 (6204:AH)
Mercury Source 2018 Mobile and Tombigbee River, AL (6204:AI) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 02/22/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
GE Fish Tissue data, Spring 2020 (2400:Wk)
Studynotes were updated
Corrected a mislabeled fish species for a composite sample collected in "GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020" (2400:Wm). The species information for this sample has been updated from fall fish to spottail shiner and the sample ID has been updated from TD1-200831-01-FALLF-02 to TD1-200831-01-SPSH-02 -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 02/04/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
GE Fish Tissue data, Fall 2020 (2400:Wm) -
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GLR,SL) 02/01/2021:
Updated to sub-surface classifcation cores with lower depths > 30.48 cm in the following studies:
Spirit Lake Treatability Study (0531:96)
KZ BBL 2006 Plainwell Sediment (0540:36)
Buffalo River AOC GLNPO 2010 Remedial Design (5300:C8)
Niagara River Characterization (5300:E3)
Mid/Lower Trenton Channel 2014 Site Char. (5300:E4)
Monguagon Creek UTC 2015 RI-FFS (5300:E5)
Lower Rouge River Old Channel - Predesign Investig (5300:F0)
Harbortown Site Characterization Study (5300:F1)
Menomonee River Site Characterization (5600:H2)
EBGCR - Ralston Street Lagoon (5600:H3)
Updated to surface classification samples with a lower depth of exactly 30.48 cm in the following study:
SLR US Steel Spplmntl 5 Yr Investigation 2004-2009 (0531:L1)
Updated to sub-surface classification samples with no collection depth that are also not described as surface, grab or toxicity samples in the following studies:
SL USACE 1994-95 DACW35-93-D-0005 DEL ORDER 29 (0531:68)
Spirit Lake Treatability Study (0531:96)
Eighteen Mile Creek Corridor NYSDEC 2002 Final (5200:06)
Black Rock Canal USACE 1995 Sample Sites Sediment (5200:1A)
Black Rock Canal USACE 1996 Sample Sites Sediment (5200:1B)
Buffalo River USEPA 1984 BASS (5200:1E)
Little Niagara River USEPA 1999 Sed Sampling (5200:1F)
Buffalo River NYSDEC 1993 (5200:42)
Buffalo River NYSDEC 1998 (5200:43)
Buffalo RETEC 1996 Desing Investigation Phase II (5200:48)
Buffalo RETEC 1994 Iroquois Gas Westwood Pharm (5200:49)
Cayuga Creek NYSDEC 1983 Site Investigation Report (5200:50)
Little Niagara River NYSDEC 1993 Booth Oil RIFSOU2 (5200:51)
Rochester Monroe CHD 2010 Sediment Report (5200:69)
Rochester NYSDEC 2003 Sed & Bass, Turtle Tissue (5200:73)
Rochester USACE 2005 Dredged Open Lake Placement (5200:74)
Rotating Integrated Basin Studies 1998 (5200:78)
Rotating Integrated Basin Studies 2001 (5200:79)
Buffalo River/Buffalo Harbor 1989 Sed Analysis (5200:81)
Black Rock Lock USACE 1998 Final Report (5200:96)
Buffalo Harbor USACE 1996-1 Strawberry Island Spec (5200:97)
Buffalo Harbor USACE 1996-2 Strawberry Island Spec (5200:98)
Buffalo Dist USACE 2002 Mooring Slip/Entrance Chan (5200:99)
Rouge River USACE 2003 Env Restoration Soil (5300:03)
Detroit USEPA 2003 Black Lagoon (5300:12)
Detroit MI DEQ 2004 Riverview Feasibility Report (5300:13)
Maumee AOC USEPA 1986-1994 STORET Legacy Data (5300:25)
Maumee AOC USEPA 2003-2008 LIMS TAB (5300:26)
Maumee River GLNPO 1998 Sediment Data (5300:27)
Maumee River GLNPO 1998 Sediment (Mud Puppy) (5300:28)
Cuyahoga River USEPA 2002-03 OCS Report (5300:44)
River Raisin USEPA 2002 Post-Remediation Sed & Tis (5300:61)
Cuyahoga River USEPA 1999 Biological and WQ Study (5300:62)
Cuyahoga River USEPA 2002 Old Channel Assessment (5300:66)
Ohio State EPA 1972-2003 Sediment Data (5300:B6)
Waukegan USACE 2007 Data Usability (CH2MHill) (5600:1D)
Waukegan USACE 2006 404(b) Contaminant Determ (5600:1K)
Waukegan USACE 2008 Contaminant Determination (5600:46)
Menominee USACE 2001 Testing Report (5600:47)
Menominee NRT 1995 Marinette Manufactured Gas (5600:65)
Menominee 2010 Sed Removal Work Plan (5600:83)
WBGCR Reach 6,7 Sediment Characterization (5600:G8)
Waukegan USACE 2002-03 Sampling (Patrick Eng) (5600:S2)
Updated coding of parts samples in sedrep table to current valid value
Updated Analysis Category in biolab results table to valid values
Updated Matrix and MeasBasis to reflect current guidance for coding for Whole Water and Dissolved samples in in 226 studies
Updated sample upper and lower depths and units of water matrix samples to meters to meet new database convention for water samples in the following samples:
SL Howards Bay 2013 WDNR Sediment (0531:91)
SL US Steel 2015 MPCA Sed/PW (0531:92)
SL Pickle Pond Phase II 2016 USFWS Sed/Soil (0531:93)
Eighteen Mile Creek Corridor NYSDEC 2002 Final (5200:06)
Presque Isle Bay Erie DOH 2000-01 Surface Sed (5300:A5)
Ashtabula River 2004 Sed Chem & Tox (5300:C4)
Tittabawassee River (Saginaw Bay) 2006-2011 (5300:C6)
Grand Calumet USACE 2003 Indiana Harbor (5600:35)
Kinnickinnic River GLNPO 2008 /Chem/Tox/Bioaccum (5600:95)
Muskegon GLNPO 2008 Ruddiman Creek Baseline (5600:96)
NYSDEC 2005 Sediment/Toxicity - Great Lakes (DE05:DH)
NYSDEC 2006 Sediment/Toxicity - Great Lakes (DE05:DI)
NYSDEC 2007 Sediment/Toxicity - Great Lakes (DE05:DJ)
NYSDEC 2008 Sediment/Toxicity - Great Lakes (DE05:DK)
Corrected sample table classification and measurement basis to reflect current guidance for TCLP/elutriate samples in the Spirit Lake Treatability Study (0531:96) -
Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,SJ) 01/28/2021:
Appended new San Jacinto case data from study(s):
Dioxin TMDL 2002 Project (6205:B5)
Houston Ship 1993 Channel Toxicity Study (6205:B1)
Houston Ship Channel 2002-2005 TMDL Dioxin (6205:C2)
Houston Ship Channel 2008-2009 TMDL PCBs (6205:C3)
Kirby Marine Terminal 2011 Sediment Sampling (6205:B2)
RI Data Gaps 2011 Sediment and Tissue Sampling (6205:A9)
San Jacinto River Waste Pits 2005 Inspection (6205:B7)
San Jacinto River Waste Pits 2009 Inspection (6205:B8)
SJ 2011 Upstream Sediment Load Study (6205:C6)
SJ 2017 Sampling (6205:A6)
SJ 2018 Sampling (6205:A7)
SJ Bed Property 2011 Study (6205:A8)
SJ Groundwater 2013 Sampling (6205:A3)
SJ Groundwater, Sed, Water, Tiss, and Cap 2016 (6205:A5)
SJ Groundwater, Sediment, Soil, and Cap 2012 (6205:A2)
SJ Radioisotope 2011 Coring Study (6205:A1)
SJ Sediment 2015 Sampling (6205:A4)
SJR Bridge Sediment Sampling 2006 (6205:C4)
SJWP RI/FS 2010 Groundwater, Sed, Soil, Tiss (6205:B4)
Sneed Shipbuilding 2009 Study (6205:B6)
Texas Fish Tissue Historical Data (6205:C1)
Time Critical Removal 2010 Soil and Sediment (6205:B9)
TxDOT Right-Of-Way 2010 Soil Sampling (6205:C5)
Updated sample upper and lower depths and units of leachate samples to meters to meet new database convention for water samples in the following studies: Phase I RFI-9 SWMUs & 3 AOCs-AFWTF SOIL (0299:A5)
January 28, 2021
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 01/20/2021:
Appended new data from study(s):
Berry's Creek Tissue - ENSR 1989 (2200:W4)
Berry's Creek Tissue - ERM 1985 (2200:W5)
Berry's Creek Tissue - Weis 2005 (2200:W6)
December 22, 2020
- Corrected an error occurring in ERDDAP for study notes queries
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (SWR) 12/02/2020:
Updated MeasBasis from TO to PT/DS for PT or DS Matrix water samples following new database water sample coding guidance in the following studies:
SFEI 2013 Regional Monitoring Program (0902:U4)
SFEI 2015 Regional Monitoring Program (0902:U6)
SFEI 2017 Regional Monitoring Program (0902:U8)
Cosco Busan (S901:A0)
Updated null lifestage and sex values to valid value for "not applicable". -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (LD) 12/10/2020:
Added study "Lower Duwamish River 2018 Sediment Split Sampling" (1099:U8). -
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GLR) 12/16/2020:
Study 'SL Howards Bay Sediment Sampling 2017' (0531:KT) - adjusted LabRep field for 4 Station/Samples (HB17-21/30; HB17-21/30D; HB17-24/37; HB17-25/39). Re-calculated HPAH, LPAH and TOTAL_PAH for these 4 samples.
Study 'SL Hog Island Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Sed Wat Biota' (0531:KV) - adjusted LabRep field for Station 163338, Sample 20161017.
November 27, 2020
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (SL) 11/20/2020:
Added 9 St. Louis River US Steel studies
SLR US Steel Phase II Site Assessment 1993
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 1985-1996
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 2008
SLR US Steel Response Action Plan 1996
SLR US Steel River Water Quality Impact 1983
SLR US Steel Routine SW Monitoring 1985-2019
SLR US Steel Soil Ground Water Investigation 1981
SLR US Steel Spplmntl 5 Yr Investigation 2004-2009
SLR US Steel Technical Memorandum: 1985 -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW,HR,PC) 11/20/2020:
Added 5 studies to Station Group “Piles Creek Watershed”
Piles Creek Fish and Crab Chemistry 2010 (2205:BH)
Piles Creek Leptocheirus Toxicity 2010 (2205:BF)
Piles Creek Rutgers Fish Study 2010 (2205:BG)
Piles Creek Sediment Chemistry & Toxicity 2010 (2205:BE)
Piles Creek Songbird/ Invert Hg Exposure 2010-11 (2205:BI)
Updated Matrix and MeasBasis to reflect current guidance for coding for Whole Water and Dissolved samples in the following studies:
Passaic CPG CWCM Sampling Round 1 2011 (2200:CM) 97
Passaic CPG CWCM Sampling Low Flow Rounds 2-5 2012 (2200:CN) 450
Passaic CPG CWCM Sampling High Flow 1/2 2013 (2200:CO) 210
Nuodex (El Paso Energy) Supp Remed Inv 2009 (2200:NT) 3
Quanta OU2 RI, 2008 (2400:Jd) 5
Updated sample upper and lower depths and units of porewater and device water samples to meters to meet new database convention in the following studies:
Newark Bay Toxicity and Bioaccumulation Sept 2015 (2200:T2) 32
Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Chem & Tox 2014 (2200:T8) 62
Quanta Soil 1997 Enviroscience (2400:J3) 5
Quanta Sed, Soil & GW 1998 GeoSyntec (2400:J4) 5
Quanta OU2 RI, 2008 (2400:Jd) 28
Penobscot River Hg 2016 Sed, Wat, and Tiss (3200:04) 1
Penobscot River Hg 2017-2018 Monitoring (3200:06) 1
Penobscot River Hg DEP 2015-2016 Remediation (3200:10) 4
NYSDEC 2009 Sediment/Toxicity Data -Atlantic (DE23:DL) 54
Field Obs and Biolab data converted from templates to Posted Database for NW, GL, NE, SE. -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (WR,LD,PS) 11/16/2020:
Added new chemistry records to existing studies:
100-B/C Pilot Project Assessment DUA0001 (1094:A1) 2908 record
Columbia River Component Risk Assessment DUA0002 (1094:A2) 15907 record
RI/FS for 100-DR-1 DR-2 HR-1 HR-2 HR-3 DUA0011 (1094:A3) 11115 record
Porewater Sampling in the 100-N Area, 2010 DUA0016 (1094:A4) 3956 record
Sampling and Analysis of 100 Area Springs DUA0005 (1094:A5) 96 record
2011 APRBE for the 100-NR-2 OU DUA0006 (1094:A6) 400 record
RI/FS for 100-F/IU Operable Units DUA0009 (1094:A9) 1730 record
Portland Harbor Pre RD Study 2018/2019 (1097:V1) 8850 record
Lower Duwamish Early Action 2 2007-2016 (1099:U5) 7 record
Updated existing values of LabBatch, LabID, LabMatrix, LabName, Matrix, QCTYPE, SDG, SmpComment, Tissue, ValNotes in chemistry records
Studynote updates for studies with biolab and fieldobs records.
Updated Matrix and MeasBasis to reflect current guidance for coding for Groundwater and Porewater samples in the following studies:
Lower Duwamish Early Action 2 2007-2016 (1099:U5) 236 samples
Lower Duwamish Groundwater Sampling 2017 (1099:U6) 2 samples
Portland Harbor Pre RD Study 2018/2019 (1097:V1) 8850 records
Lower Duwamish Early Action 2 2007-2016 (1099:U5) 7 records
November 4, 2020
Public Portal
- Upgraded the public portal to the latest version of Liferay
- Added a Public DIVER menu item under Projects, that links to a new page for Refugio Beach Oil Spill
- Updated the Public Footer to relabel the Data Overview link to Data Specification
- Updated the Explorer web map WMS to show more points on the map
- Updated the Select All button on the Explorer Query screen to prevent overlap with filter text entry when valid values are in the thousands
- Set the default "Display By"/Legend for the Lab Results and Field Observations » Laboratory Results for Samples query to be Collection Matrix instead of QM Matrix
- Updated the DIVER Explorer advanced symbology tool, and addressed an issue causing NaN value in the set of values returned
- Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 10/30/2020:
Appended 10 additional results to study(s): GE Fish Tissue data, 2018 (2400:Wh)
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 10/23/2020:
GE Fish Tissue data, Spring 2020 (2400:Wk)
The data for this study are preliminary and will be updated with a validated set of results. See studynotes for further information on current validation. Note that sex information was not available for the data provided
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR,PR) 09/24/2020:
Added biolab content to following studies with chemistry data:
NYSDEC Sediment, 2017 (2400:Ha)
Penobscot Bay Hg 2006-2015 Tiss Sampling (3200:02)
Penobscot River Hg 1995-2014 Historical Sampling (3200:03)
Penobscot River Hg 2016 Sed, Wat, and Tiss (3200:04)
Penobscot River Hg 2017-2018 Monitoring (3200:06)
Penobscot River Hg Yeager 2009 Sed Study (3200:07) - Southeast Regional Data, Watersheds (SE,GA,TE) 09/30/2020:
Added field observation content to following studies:
Taylor Energy Remote Sensing and Sampling 2016 (6201:L3)
Taylor Energy Synoptic Sampling April 2017 (6201:L5)
Taylor Energy Synoptic Sampling August 2017 (6201:L6) - Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 10/29/2020:
Updated studynotes with information from field observation and biolab templates in the following studies:
SL AOC-Wide 1995 MPCA R-EMAP (0531:04)
SL AOC-Wide 1996 MPCA R-EMAP (0531:06)
SL Newton Creek 2011 WDNR Hog Island Post-Remed (0531:KN)
SL WDNR Piping Plover Particle Size 2014 (0531:KQ)
SL Biota Mercury Monitoring 2015 (0531:KR)
SL Howards Bay 2016 WDNR Sediment (0531:KU)
SL Hog Island Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Sed Wat Biota (0531:KV)
SL WDNR Superior Entry Sediment 2015 (0531:KW)
40th Ave Macroinvertebrate Survey (NRRI-UMD), 2010 (0531:M4)
Radio Tower Bay Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2011 (0531:M6)
Pickle Pond Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2013 (0531:M7)
WDNR Macroinvertebrate Reference Site Survey, 2012 (0531:M8)
MPCA Baseline Invert SLRAOC 2013-2014 (0531:N2)
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 10/06/2020:
Added biolab studies to backend database:
21st Ave Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2011 (0531:M2)
40th Ave Macroinvertebrate Survey (NRRI-UMD), 2010 (0531:M4)
Clough Island Macroinvertebrate Sampling 2013 (0531:M3)
Pickle Pond Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2013 (0531:M7)
Radio Tower Bay Macroinvertebrate Survey, 2011 (0531:M6)
SL Newton Creek 2011 WDNR Hog Island Macroinvert (0531:M1)
US Steel Macroinvertebrate Survey (0531:M5)
WDNR Macroinvertebrate Reference Site Survey, 2012 (0531:M8)
MPCA Baseline Invert SLRAOC 2013-2014 (0531:N2)
Added biolab content to following studies with chemistry data:
SL AOC-Wide 1995 MPCA R-EMAP (0531:04)
SL AOC-Wide 1996 MPCA R-EMAP (0531:06)
SL Newton Creek 2006 WDNR Hog Island Post-Remed (0531:BD)
SL Newton Creek 2011 WDNR Hog Island Post-Remed (0531:KN)
SLR USACOE Nav Channel Sediment 2014 (0531:KP)
SL WDNR Piping Plover Particle Size 2014 (0531:KQ)
SL Biota Mercury Monitoring 2015 (0531:KR)
SL Howards Bay 2016 WDNR Sediment (0531:KU)
SL Hog Island Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Sed Wat Biota (0531:KV)
SL WDNR Superior Entry Sediment 2015 (0531:KW)
Added field observation records to the following studies:
SL Newton Creek 2011 WDNR Hog Island Post-Remed (0531:KN)
SL Hog Island Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Sed Wat Biota (0531:KV)
SL WDNR Hog Island Macrophyte 2014 (0531:M9)
SL Historical Fish Field Measurements 1997-2009 (0531:N1)
MPCA Baseline Invert SLRAOC 2013-2014 (0531:N2)
SL WDNR Gull and Tern Surveys 1974-2017 (0531:N3)
October 8, 2020
- Moved "Location Source" to the group "Results: Photographs" in edit query filters since it only pertains to Photos
- Updated the Select all button in the Explorer query screen to prevent it from showing up on filters that are single selection only
- In edit query filters, added a enhancement to allow users to hold down the Shift button to select multiple filter values at once
- Added Total PAH Information as a pop-up on click of the exclamation point icon at the top of the Analysis tab in the Explorer query screen
- Southeast Regional Data, 09/18/2020:
Updated the partcode in tissrep table for composites contributing to supercomposites to ICMP for "intermediate composite" in the follwoing studies:
DWH Seafood Safety Collections 2010(0607:A1)
DWH Seafood Safety Dockside 2010(0607:A3
DWH Seafood Safety Enforcement 2010(0607:A5)
DWH Seafood Safety Collections 2011(0607:A6)
DWH Seafood Safety Dockside 2011(0607:A7)
August 20, 2020
- Added a count of valid values available within the query selection screen
- Added Station Group List as a primary field for all Chemistry, Toxicity, and Field Observations queries
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 07/09/2020:
Appended new data from study(s) in the Great Lakes and St. Louis River Station Groups:
SLR US Steel Phase II Site Assessment 1993 (0531:L2)
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 1985-1996 (0531:L4) *
SLR US Steel Remedial Investigation 2008 (0531:L5)
SLR US Steel Response Action Plan 1996 (0531:L3) *
SLR US Steel River Water Quality Impact 1983 (0531:L7)
SLR US Steel Routine SW Monitoring 1985-2019 (0531:L8) *
SLR US Steel Soil Ground Water Investigation 1981 (0531:L9)
SLR US Steel Spplmntl 5 Yr Investigation 2004-2009 (0531:L1)
SLR US Steel Technical Memorandum: 1985 (0531:L6)
* These three studies have data in both the Field Observations and Samples Data Categories. The remaining contain data in only the Samples Data Category -
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 07/31/2020:
Appended new data from studies:
AMEC-Area 1 2017 Bin 6 (0540:J6)
AMEC-Area 1 2017 Hot Spot (0540:J7)
AMEC-Area 1 2017 TCRA (0540:J8)
AMEC-Area 1 2017 TSCA (0540:J9)
AMEC-Area 2 2015 Gun River Cores (0540:J2)
AMEC-Area 3 2016 TCRA (0540:J5)
AMEC-Area 3 2017 TCRA (0540:JA)
AMEC-Area 5 2017 Recon I (0540:JB)
AMEC-Area 5 2017 Recon II FPS (0540:JC)
AMEC-Area 5 2017 Recon II Sed Channel (0540:JD)
AMEC-Area 5 2017 Recon II Sed Impound (0540:JE)
AMEC-LTM 2015 Fish Collection (0540:J0)
AMEC-River Wide Fish Collection 2016 (0540:J3)
AMEC-Surface Water Samples 2016 (0540:J4)
AMEC/MDEQ-Fish Collection Splits 2015 (0540:J1)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Bin 1 (0540:JH)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Bin 2 (0540:JI)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Bin 3 (0540:JJ)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Bin 4 (0540:JK)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Bin 5 (0540:JL)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Bin 7 (0540:JM)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Hot Spot-PDI-2 (0540:JN)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 Sediment-PDI-2 (0540:JO)
WOOD-Area 1 2018 TCRA Floodplain Soil (0540:JP)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 Remedial Reach KPT19 (0540:K0)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 Remedial Reach KRT4 (0540:K1)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 Remedial Reach KRT5 (0540:K2)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 Remedial Reach Sediment (0540:K3)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 SWAC Section 6 (0540:K4)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 SWAC Section 7 (0540:K5)
WOOD-Area 1 2019 SWAC Section 8 (0540:K6)
WOOD-Area 3 2018 TCRA (0540:JQ)
WOOD-Area 5 2018 Phase I Bank Soil (0540:JR)
WOOD-Area 5 2018 Phase I Floodplain Soil (0540:JS)
WOOD-Area 5 2018 Phase I Sed Channel (0540:JT)
WOOD-Area 5 2018 Phase I Sed Impound (0540:JU)
WOOD-Area 6 2018 Aging Cores (0540:JW)
WOOD-Area 6 2018 Pore Water (0540:JX)
WOOD-Area 6 2018 Sediment Cores (0540:JY)
WOOD-Area 6 2018 Water Column (0540:JZ)
WOOD-LTM 2018 Surface Water (0540:JG)
WOOD-River Wide Fish Collection 2018 (0540:JF)
Updated studynotes in study SLR US Steel Phase II Site Assessment 1993 (0531:L2) to describe station designation for co-located water and sediment samples
Updated sample depths for field duplicate to match primary sample in study SLR US Steel Spplmntl 5 Yr Investigation 2004-2009 (0531:L1)
Corrected missing data category designations in the study table for all SLR US Steel studies
Corrected null region ID values in the dbedits table
Updated measurement basis for leachate matrix samples from "WW" to "TO" (Total) to be consistent with database standards for liquid units in studies:
Eighteen Mile Creek Corridor NYSDEC 2002 Final (5200:06)
Grand Calumet USACE 2003 Indiana Harbor (5600:35)
Updated lab rep from "2" to "1" for 1-Methylnaphthalene in study SL SLRIDT Superfund 2001 Baywest Supplemental (0531:19) sample "SLR-FS-K6" since there was no designated lab rep 1 for that analyte
Updated null compcodes in table sedrep for study SLR USACOE Nav Channel Sediment 2014 (0531:KP) -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS) 08/14/2020:
Added study: Lower Duwamish River 2018 Sediment Split Sampling (1099:U8) -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS,LD,WR) 08/20/2020:
Corrected truncated sample dates in study Duwamish/Diagonal 1996 Cleanup(1099:E2)
Corrected null regionID values in the dbedits table
Corrected null Compcodes in the sedrep table. Effected studies:
LDWG 2004 Slip 4 Early Action(1099:F9)
Middle Waterway 1993-94 Round 1A(1099:J3)
Updated sample type of sediment samples with part samples to "COMP". Updated "number in composite" values to reflect the number of associated samples in the sedrep table. Effected studies:
LDWG 2004 Slip 4 Early Action(1099:F9)
Middle Waterway 1993-94 Round 1A(1099:J3)
Portland Harbor Upriver Reach Sediment 2017(1097:U9)
Updated compcode in the tissrep for supercomposites to SCOM in study EWG 2008 East Waterway Fish/Shellfish(1099:MM)
Updated the sample type of geoduck composite parts samples with separate chemistry to "Part Analyzed" (PANA) in study EWG 2008 East Waterway Geoduck Survey(1099:MN)
Corrected measurement basis from wet weight (WW) to Total (TO) for groundwater, porewater and whole water matrix records in studies:
West Port Angeles Harbor 2013 RI/FS Sed/Lab Bioacc (1099:AL)
Lockheed 2007 Yard 2 Sed Char (1099:CA)
Duwamish Shipyard 2011 Remed Invest (1099:EA)
Quendall 1996 RI GW/SW Invest (1099:QK)
Quendall 2003 Deep Aquifer GW Invest (1099:QT)
Corrected smptable and chemtable entries for Matrix Device sample in study EPA 2019 Lower Duwamish River (1099:U3)
July 2, 2020
- Implemented query performance improvements within Explorer to make building a query a faster
- As an additional performance improvement, modified the Date/Depth UI to no longer query start/end date or depth before showing the interface
Admin Record
- Added the ability to Expand All/Collapse All Indices to the Public DIVER AR sites
- Restored Qualifier Codes download in Southwest Region via ERDDAP/Help documentation
- Southwest Regional Data:
Added studies to the Taylor Energy station group:
Taylor Energy Remote Sensing and Sampling 2016 (6201:L3)
Taylor Energy Surface Sheen Forensics 2017-18 (6201:L7)
Taylor Energy Synoptic Sampling April 2017 (6201:L5)
Taylor Energy Synoptic Sampling August 2017 (6201:L6) - Northeast Regional Data:
Removed Hudson River station group designation from all studies associated with SiteID 2500 and the following SiteID/StudyIDs: 2200/N1-N6, NV, NW, NY, Ta, and NZ
Implemented the following corrections to make water sample measurement basis consistent with database standards:
For Matrix = "PT" (particulate) and Measbasis = "TO" (total), change Measbasis from "TO" to "PT"
For Matrix = "PW" (porewater) and Measbasis = "WW" (wet weight), change measbasis from WW to TO (for only Labrep = 1 results)
For Matrix = "DS" (filtered water) and Measbasis = "WW" (wet weight), change measbasis from WW to DS
For Matrix = "WH" (whole water) and Measbasis = "WW" (wet weight), change measbasis from WW to TO
For Matrix = "EL" (elutriate) and Measbasis = "DW" (dry weight), change units from PPB to ug/L and measbasis from DW to TO
(per prior revision made to summed PAH results, but not the individual organic analytes)
Updated studyname of study "Raritan Bay Slag Margaret`s Crk/Seawall 2017-2018" (2200:D5) (added “/Seawall” to Study Name)
June 2, 2020
- Corrected an issue preventing the Portland Harbor Field Observation query from successfully exporting
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 04/22/2020:
Added 16 new studies from the latest version of the GLSed database: GLSed v4.51
SL Crawford Creek 1999 Koppers Industries (0531:76)
SL Crawford Creek 1996 Koppers Industries (0531:AC)
SL Crawford Creek 2003 Koppers Industries (0531:AD)
SL Crawford Creek 2005 Koppers Industries (0531:AE)
SL Crawford Creek 2013-14 Koppers Industries (0531:AF)
Buffalo River EPA 2016 Habitat Restoration (5300:F2)
Buffalo River EPA 2016 TSCA Sampling (5300:F3)
Monguagon Creek Upper Trenton Channel EPA 2016 (5300:F4)
Otter Creek EPA 2016 Data Gap Investigation (5300:F5)
Duck & Otter Creeks EPA 2007 Remedial Study (5300:F6)
Duck & Otter Creeks EPA 2010-11 Sediment Invest. (5300:F7)
Upper Trenton Channel EPA 2017 Remedial Design (5300:F8)
Upper Detroit River EPA 2017 Site Characterization (5300:F9)
Milwaukee River EPA 2016 Sediment Investigation (5600:H1)
Lincoln Park EPA 2015 Remedial Action Phase II (5600:H4)
Menomonee/Milwaukee EPA 2017 Remedial Invest. (5600:H5)
For SiteID = 5800/StudyID = FR changed the Matrix from 'WH' to 'GW', based on the studyname specifying a groundwater study.
For 5300/B6 and 5300/AA there were 657 records in chemedd where CHEMCODE = NNDRNPRA, Analyte = N-Nitroso-N-propylamine, CASNum = 621-64-7. The CHEMCODE was changed to NNDNPRA for these 657 records.
Updated wtrdepth and wdepthunit to -9/NA (when not reported). -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (PR,NW) 05/08/2020:
Added new Station Group: Penobscot Bay
Appended new data from study(s):
Penobscot Bay Hg 2006-2015 Tiss Sampling (3200:02)
Penobscot River Hg 1995-2014 Historical Sampling (3200:03)
Penobscot River Hg 2012 Summer Songbird (3200:09)
Penobscot River Hg 2016 Biota Monitoring (3200:05)
Penobscot River Hg 2016 Sed, Wat, and Tiss (3200:04)
Penobscot River Hg 2017 Duck Monitoring (3200:13)
Penobscot River Hg 2017-2018 Monitoring (3200:06)
Penobscot River Hg DEP 2015-2016 Remediation (3200:10)
Penobscot River Hg EPA 1970-1971 Sed Sampling (3200:01)
Penobscot River Hg EPA 2000-2005 Sed (3200:12)
Penobscot River Hg MEDEP 1995,1997,2000,2015 Sed (3200:11)
Penobscot River Hg WHOI 2011 Sed Sampling (3200:08)
Penobscot River Hg Yeager 2009 Sed Study (3200:07)
Troy Chemical/Pierson's Creek RI, 2018-2019 (2200:UA)
April 16, 2020
- Added a new section of "Query Support" with related links on the Help page
- Added a page for the St. Louis River Area of Concern, navigable under Projects or from the St. Louis River Area of Concern (SLR AOC) Dataset description. This page highlights some of the collaborative work done in support of the SLR AOC regarding environmental data management and access
- Added a page for information and files for NOAA-led Restore Council projects. The page is navigable under Datasets in the Southeast Region
- Added a link to the DARRP Case Documents and Administrative Records page under the Resources menu item
- Four new polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sums have been added to the Total PAH queries. More details available in updated guidance
- EPA PAH16: EPA Priority Pollutants
- EPA PAH34: EPA Extended list
- WI_DNR PAH18: Wisconsin DNR PAH list from Consensus-Based Sediment Quality Guidelines
- MN PAH13: Minnesota PAH list from state sediment quality targets
Analytical chemistry results from the natural resource damage assessment for the 2015 Refugio Beach Oil Spill are available in the Southwest Region, under the Case/Activity value of “Refugio State Beach - American Pipeline”
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 04/06/2020:
Added study Passaic River 1999-2006 Honeywell Intl Sampling (2200:W3) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 04/14/2020:
Appended new study with SiteID = 2400, StudyID = Wj, and Studyname = GE Fish Tissue data, 2019
February 27, 2020
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (LD,PS,HA,WR) 02/13/2020:
Updated studynames of studies:
(1099:P1) from "City of Port Angeles 1996 NPDES Report" to "PSAMP Spatial Monitoring 2002"
(1098:C3) from "Columbia River CRITFC Tissue 1996" to "Columbia River CRITFC Tissue 1998"
Added 9 TVX lab replicates previously held in study Willamette Ref Area P1 2001 (1097:56) to study Lower Willamette River Reference 2002 (1097:D1) denoted as lab rep 2. Removed duplicate studies Willamette Ref Area P1 2001 (1097:56) and Willamette Ref Area P2 2001 (1097:57) – data all contained in study Lower Willamette River Reference 2002 (1097:D1). Merged all records from DPSC Phase 1 2008 (1097:H3) into study Downtown Portland Sediment Study, 2008 (1097:DP) removing all duplicated records. Removed duplicate study DPSC Phase 1 2008 (1097:H3) – data all contained in study Downtown Portland Sediment Study, 2008 (1097:DP). Added 37955 new chemistry records and 162 new samples to Downtown Portland Sediment Study, 2008 (1097:DP). Added 3758 new chemistry records and 26 new samples to study DPSC Phase 2 2009-10 (1097:I7). Added new studies: Lower Duwamish Early Action 2 2007-2016 (1099:U5) and Lower Duwamish Groundwater Sampling 2017 (1099:U6). Portland Harbor Pre RD Study 2018/2019 (1097:V1). Changed erroneous shiner surfperch station coordinates (1126) to null values in study NOAA 2000 Juvenile Chinook (1099:F1). -
Southwest Regional Data, 02/17/2020:
Updated studyname of StudyID (0904:PJ) which had the same studyname as study (0904:PI) to "Port of LA Berths 167-169 1991"
January 30, 2020
- NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-62, “Guidelines for Assessing Exposure and Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Mammals,” has been added to the Field Forms & Guidelines section available under Resources
Admin Record
- Corrected an issue with invalid page routing upon clicking the pagination controls on the various Public Admin Record pages
December 19, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 12/06/2019:
Appended new data as SiteID/StudyID = 2200/D6 and studyname = Raritan Bay Slag Margaret's Ck Pre-Design 2019 as Dataset 030
Split SiteID/StudyID = 2200/D1 and Studyname = Raritan Bay Slag EPA Post-Storm Sandy 2014-17 into 4 studies:
New StudyID/Studyname assignments -
D1 Raritan Bay Slag Margaret's Ck Post-Sandy 2014
D3 Raritan Bay Slag Margaret's Ck Post-Sandy 2015
D4 Raritan Bay Slag Margaret's Ck Pre-Design 2016
D5 Raritan Bay Slag Margaret's Ck 2017
November 26, 2019
Data Services
- Data Services Help and example queries are now available! Check it out by Clicking on Help under the Resources menu item, and then clicking on Data Services (ERDDAP) under the Other Topics area of the Help Materials screen. The documentation is also available from the Data Services start page, available under the Tools menu item
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (US,PS,WR,LD) 11/06/2019:
Added studies:
NCA Program Oregon Coast 2002 (West EMAP) (E10C:O1)
NCA Program Oregon Coast 2003 (West EMAP) (E10C:O2)
NCA Program Washington Coast 2002 (West EMAP) (E10W:W1)
NCA Program Washington Coast 2003 (West EMAP) (E10W:W2)
Portland Harbor Upriver Reach Sediment 2017 (1097:U9)
Lower Duwamish Injury Assessment Sculpin 2018 (1099:U4)
October 30, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW,HR) 10/25/2019:
Appended data for study "Raritan Bay Slag Cheesequake Creek Marsh 2017" (2200:RZ)
Added additional congener and lipid results and updated studynotes for study "GE Fish Tissue data, 2018" (2400:Wh)
Updated "GE Fish Tissue data, 2016 Re-analysis" (2400:Wg) adding sex coding for 21 of the 40 parts records and correcting the Total Weight for 8 composite records
Added 47 additional fish tissue composite parts samples "GE Fish Tissue data, 2016 Re-analysis" (2400:Wg)
October 1, 2019
Data Services
- DIVER uses ERDDAP, an open-source data server program developed by NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center that gives users a simple, consistent way to download scientific data and related information in common file formats. These data services provide machine-readable access to over 50 million environmental data records in the DIVER data warehouse. Check it out under the Tools menu, and choose Data Services to get started. The service is in an initial release; additional help documentation and example queries will be available with the next DIVER release
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 07/25/2019:
Newtown Creek RI/FS Spring Fish 2018 (2200/Tg)
Quanta OU2 RI, 1990 (2400/J6)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2000 (2400/J7)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2003 (2400/J8)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2004 (2400/J9)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2005 (2400/Ja)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2006 (2400/Jb)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2007 (2400/Jc)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2008 (2400/Jd)
Quanta OU2 RI, 2009 (2400/Je)
Updated the following studies with new samples and chemistry results based on information provided by the Site Data Provider from the database NOAA_V3.0_Quanta_Historical_send_20190221mod.accdb
Quanta Sediment 1995 Weston (2400/J1)
Quanta Soil 1997 Enviroscience (2400/J3)
Quanta Sed, Soil & GW 1998 GeoSyntec (2400/J4)
Quanta Sed, Soil & GW 1999 GeoSyntec (2400/J5)
Added river mile values for upper Hudson river stations in post 2015 sediment and tissue studies with an attribute name of "RM_GRID" to distinguish from previous river mile designations -
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 09/09/2019:
Revised results for SiteID 0531, StudyID 94 to correct an error in units for selected organics -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 09/26/2019:
Added studies:
Raritan Bay Slag EPA Seawall Rem. Design 2017-18 (2200:W3)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2018 (2400:Wh)
Updated fish tissue composite weight from average weight to total weight in 89 samples in study NYSDEC Fish, 2017 (DE23:66) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 09/27/2019:
Updated Sample Sex values in study GE Fish Tissue data, 2017 (2400:Wf)
August 29, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 07/25/2019:
Appended studies:
Berry`s Creek Arcadis Hackensack 1992-2005 (2200:V9)
Berry`s Creek Kearny Marsh Langan Report 1999 (2200:W1)
Berry`s Creek Keegan Landfill 1997/2005 (2200:W2) -
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW,RS) 08/01/2019:
Added Raritan Bay Slag station group, which includes stations from the following existing studies:
Raritan Bay Slag Margaret’s Creek Soil March 2007
Raritan Bay Slag Old Bridge Muni Auth 2007
Raritan Bay Slag Laurence Harbor Seawall – May 2007
Raritan Bay Slag Laurence Harbor Seawall –July 2007
EPA Raritan Bay Slag Site – CERCLA – 2008
EPA Raritan Bay Slag Site – CERCLA – 2009
EPA Raritan Bay Slag Site – Remedial Investigation – 2010
EPA Raritan Bay Slag Site – Remedial Investigation – 2011
Raritan Bay Slag EPA Post-Storm Sandy 2014 -
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS,LD) 08/20/2019:
Added 32 sediment chemistry and bioassay reference stations from Puget Sound to the Lower Duwamish River station group
Updated legends for Explorer fields (Location Source, Species Group)
July 25, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 07/08/2019:
Updated Sample Sex values in study GE Fish Tissue data, 2017 (2400:Wf) -
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,CC,LA,NC,SD,SF) 07/12/2019:
Added studies:
State Mussel Watch Endowment (0935:U9)
SFEI 2013 Regional Monitoring Program(0902:U4)
SFEI 2014 Regional Monitoring Program(0902:U5)
SFEI 2015 Regional Monitoring Program(0902:U6)
SFEI 2016 Regional Monitoring Program(0902:U7)
SFEI 2017 Regional Monitoring Program(0902:U8)Removed records from study California State Mussel Watch 2003-2016 (0935:12) which overlapped with and possessed less lab information than identical records in California State Mussel Watch 2003-2016 (0935:12) for the following analytes in the years 2003 and 2004:
ChemName Results
Aldrin 2
Aroclor 1248 7
Aroclor 1254 16
Oxychlordane 4
Chlordanes, total (QM calculated) 15
Chlordane, alpha- 15
Chlordane, gamma- 15
Chlordene - alpha 3
Chlorpyrifos 2
Hexachlorocyclohexane-alpha 3
Hexachlorocyclohexane-gamma 1
DCPA (Dacthal) 1
DDTs, sum of p,p'-DDD and o,p'-DDD (QM calculated) 6
DDTs, sum of p,p'-DDE and o,p'-DDE (QM calculated) 6
DDTs, sum of p,p'-DDT and o,p'-DDT (QM calculated) 2
DDTs, total of 6 isomers (QM calculated) 9
Dieldrin 17
Endosulfan-alpha 1
Endosulfan sulfate 1
Heptachlor epoxide 14
Lipids, percent 17
Methoxychlor 1
2,6-Dimethylnaphthalene 17
Nonachlor, trans- 12
Nonachlor, cis- 10
o,p'-DDD 6
o,p'-DDE 6
o,p'-DDT 2
Oxadiazon 9
PCBs, total Aroclors (QM calculated) 7
p,p'-DDMU 9
p,p'-DDD 13
p,p'-DDE 3
p,p'-DDE 14
p,p'-DDT 10
Toxaphene 1
June 27, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 06/26/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Appended studies:
NYSDEC Fish, 2017 (DE23:66)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2016 Re-analysis (2400:Wg)
GE Fish Tissue data, 2017 (2400:Wf)Other changes:
Results from SiteID/StudyID = 2200/Tc (Newark Bay Ph3 Fish 2014-16), 2200/Td (Newark Bay Ph3 Crab/Clam 2014), and 2200/Te (Newark Bay Ph3 Sed. Quality Triad 2015) previously appended as Dataset 023 were found to overlap previously appended data for SiteID/StudyID = 2200/T2 (Newark Bay Toxicity and Bioaccumulation Sept 2015) and 2200/T3 (Newark Bay Sediment Chemistry 2014). A comparison was completed and data that were matched for concentration were removed. Data from 2200/Tc, 2200/Td, and 2200/Te that were significantly different were moved into the 2200/T2 and 2200/T3 data sets and identified with labrep codes of A1 and A2. Some data from SiteID/StudyID = 2200/Tc and 2200/Td were new (not matched to the earlier appended data in 2200/T2 and 2200/T3) and these were retained as previously appended. After the changes, there were no results remaining for 2200/Te.Revised TestIDs in SiteID = 2200, StudyID = T2 as follows:
SDLPL_02010D changed to S0LPL_02010D
SDLPL_02028D changed to S0LPL_02028D
SDLPL_E5028D changed to S0LPL_E5028D
SDLPL_X8028D changed to S0LPL_X8028D
June 4, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 04/30/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Appended studies:
Newark Bay Ph3 Crab/Clam 2014(2200:Td)
Newark Bay Ph3 Fish 2014-16(2200:Tc)
Newark Bay Ph3 Sed. Quality Triad 2015(2200:Te)
Newark Bay Ph3 Sediment 2016(2200:Tf)
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 05/09/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Updated metals concentration values based on corrected values provided by WDNR in study SL WDNR Superior Entry Sediment 2015 (0531:KW)
Changed chemcode "NNSONPRAMN" to "NNDNPRA" for 670 records in the following studies:
Ohio State EPA 1970-2010 Fish Tissue Data (5300:AA)
Ohio State EPA 1972-2003 Sediment Data (5300:B6)
Maumee River EPA-Ohio 1994 Sed Tox (A511:01)
"NNSONPRAMN" was a duplicate code for the same chemical represented by "NNDNPRA" (N-nitrosodi-N-propylamine). The latter chemcode is the preferred selection.
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS,LD) 05/16/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Appended chemistry data for study EPA 2019 Lower Duwamish River (1099:U3)
April 30, 2019
Updated homepage, site menus and navigation to improve user experience
April 9, 2019
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (PS,LD,WR) 03/18/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Corrected null species and tissue values for study PSAMP Fish Tissue Monitoring 1997 (1099:PI)
Corrected mis-labelled sample type codes for bioassay Reference and Negative Control samples.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (DE,HR) 04/08/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Appended the following new data --
As Dataset 021
SITEID 2400/STUDYID Z9: Hudson River Tree Swallow Eggs 2005
SITEID 2400/STUDYID ZA: Hudson River Grey Catbird Eggs 2015
SITEID 2400/STUDYID ZD: Hudson River Avian Eggs 2004
As Dataset 022
SITEID 2400/STUDYID Hd: HR Atlantic Tomcod Study
Changed Studyname from "EPA Surface Sediment data, 2016" to "GE/EPA Surface Sediment data, 2016".
February 28, 2019
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (DE,HR,NW,AN) 02/01/2019:
-----------------------------------------------------Appended new studies SiteID/StudyID:
Delaware River- 0301/EB (Delaware Benthic Inventory (DEBI) Project 2016)
- 0301/EC (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2012)
- 0301/ED (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2015)
- 0301/EE (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2016)
- 0301/EF (Water Quality Monitoring Program for PCBs 2005)
- 0301/EG (Water Quality Monitoring Program for PCBs 2006)
- 0301/EH (Water Quality Monitoring Program for PCBs 2007)
- 0301/EI (Water Quality Monitoring Program for PCBs 2012)
- 0301/EJ (Water Quality Monitoring Program for PCBs 2015)
Hudson River- 2400/Bg Floodplain EPA 2014
- 2400/ Bh Floodplain EPA 2015
- 2400/Bj Floodplain EPA 2017
- 2400/Fd GE Floodplain soils, 2015
- 2400/Fe GE Floodplain soils, 2016
- 2400/Ff GE Floodplain soils, 2017
- 2400/ Z8 GE 2013 Suppl. Engineering Data Collect
- 2400/ZB 1984 NY State Levels of PCB Mirex DDE in Waterfowl
- 2400/ZC 1985 NY State Levels of PCB Mirex DDE in Waterfowl
Newtown Creek- 2200/Ta Newtown Creek Phase 1 Splits 2012
- 2200/Tb Newtown Creek Phase 2 Splits 2014/15
The samples for these studies mostly correspond to samples that were part of the original Phase 1 and Phase 2 investigations, which are identified as follows:- 2200/N2 Newtown Creek Surface Sediment Spring 2012 (DSR-1)
- 2200/N4 Newtown Creek Subsurface Core 2012 (DSR-2, DSR-3)
- 2200/T7 Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Cores 2014
- 2200/T8 Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Chem & Tox 2014
- 2200/U0 Newtown Creek Phase 2 Fish/Crab 2014
Passaic River- 2200/V9 NYU Hudson River Sturgeon Tissue 1984, 2014-2016
Updated existing studies
Delaware River
- 0301/CL (PCB Sediment Data 2001) - added new grainsize, TOC data
- 0301/DH (Delaware Benthic Inventory (DEBI) Project 2008) - added TOC, percent moisture, density data
- 0301/DT (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2004) - updated sample table and tissue sample information
- 0301/DU (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2005) - updated sample table and tissue sample information
- 0301/DV (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2006) - updated sample table and tissue sample information
- 0301/DY (Delaware Benthic Inventory (DEBI) Project 2010) - updated study, station, sample tables; added PCB, grainsize,TOC, percent moisture, density data
- 0301/DZ (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2007) - updated station, sample tables and tissue sample information; added PCB data; removed homolog PCB sum
- 0301/EA (Fish Tissue Monitoring Program 2010) - updated station, sample tables and tissue sample information; added PCB data; removed homolog PCB sum
Passaic River- Berry's Creek Monitored Natural Recovery 2012-2015 (2200:V8) - Updated null coordinates for clustered sample locations
- Passaic CPG CWCM Sampling High Flow 1/2 2013 (2200:CO) - Updated non-detect qualifier CU to standard UC format
LCP Chemical- Removed data in study 2200/Ba (LCP Chemicals RI 2001, 2006, 2008) that duplicated 2001 and 2006 data in studies 2200/91 (LCP Chemicals Phase I RI 2001-02) and 2200/92 (LCP Chemicals Phase II RI 2006-07) respectively. Records had the same location, sample date, matrix, chemical name and concentration. Most SmpCodes for study Ba had additional data for these samples which was retained. SmpCode BSL-101-0-1 was removed from study 2200/Ba.
October 25, 2018
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (US,NW,HR) 10/17/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Removed data from NYSDEC sediment studies with SiteID=DE23 and StudyID of DA, DB, DC, and DD where results overlapped data reported in NER Backend DB for CARP sediment studies with SiteID=2200/StudyID=46 and SiteID=2200/StudyID=80. Additional samples remain in SiteID=DE23 for StudyIDs DA, DB, DC, and DD.
Removed data for mink, muskrat, and river otter samples with SiteID = DE23 and StudyIDs 27, 28, 31, 35, 36, 37, 38. These data were replaced by data added to the NER Backend database from a more complete data set provided by EcoChem. Replacement data is identified as SiteID/StudyID 2400/Hb (NYSDEC Mustelid, 1989 - 2002) and 2400/Hc (NYSDEC Mink Liver, 2008)
Revised Study Names for consistency (New York DEC changed to NYSDEC; (GLR) changed to -Great Lakes; (NER) changed to -Atlantic Region).
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR,NW) 10/17/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended SiteID/StudyID 2400/Hb (NYSDEC Mustelid, 1989 - 2002) and 2400/Hc (NYSDEC Mink Liver, 2008)
Revised smpcodes for SiteID/StudyID = 2200/U9 where there was a problem with smpcodes having suffix "LR" (labrep) while having identical LabIDs to the original source sample (without LR suffix). LR suffix was removed from smpcodes in ChemMstr and ChemXTEDD and records with LR were removed from smpmstr and smptissue.
Appended SiteID/StudyID 2200/V4 (Raritan River Kin Buc Landfill Phase 1 2010), 2200/V5 (Raritan River Kin Buc Landfill Phase 2 2015), 2200/V6 (Raritan River Kin Buc Landfill Phase 3 2011) and 2200/V7 (Raritan River Kin Buc Landfill Phase 4 2012).
Appended SiteID/StudyID 2200/V8 (Berry's Creek Monitored Natural Recovery 2012-2015)
Identified some Newtown Creek data in seven studies that have been incorporated into the database twice with four studies not being replaced by the newer data in three studies. The following updates correct this duplication.
Removed duplicated Newtown Creek studies:
SiteID/StudyID 2200/N7 - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Chem & Tox 2014
SiteID/StudyID 2200/N8 - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Surface Sed Chem 2014
SiteID/StudyID 2200/N9 - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Subsurface Sed Chem 2014
SiteID/StudyID 2200/NU - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Fish/Crab 2014Updated studynames for the following studies:
2200/T7 - Newtown Creek Sediment Cores 2014 to Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Cores 2014
2200/T8 - Newtown Creek Sediment and Bioaccumulation 2014 to Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Chem & Tox 2014
2200/U0 - Newtown Creek Tissue 2014 to Newtown Creek Phase 2 Fish/Crab 2014Assigned the bioassay data in previous study 2200/N7 - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Chem & Tox 2014 to 2200/T8 - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Chem & Tox 2014
In study 2200/T7 - Newtown Creek Phase 2 Sed Cores 2014 the following corrections were also implemented: Chemcode “HPCDD_T” changed to PCD_T7 "Dioxins, 7HpCDD, total". Chemcode PCD1267 "1,2,6,7-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin" changed to “PCD_T4 "Dioxins, 4TCDD, total". Grain size, “WATER”, “TOC”, “SOLIDS_T” percentage values updated to correct Percent values from the source data. Converted “SOOT” and "Density" data to database standard units.
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 10/03/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Removed duplicate sample HB13-03V(24-26) from Study SL Howards Bay 2013 WDNR Sediment (0531:91)
Applied corrected Dioxin/Furan RL/DL values for study SL WDNR Superior Entry Sediment 2015 (0531:KW)
Removed study SL Newton Creek 2012 WDNR Sed Char (0531:AD). These data were previously replaced by study SL Newton Creek WDNR Sed Char 2012 (0531:KS)
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA) 09/27/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended study: California State Mussel Watch 2003-2016 (0925:12)
September 27, 2018
Corrected an issue where XLSX files were not downloading/opening properly from DIVER Project Information Window when the file extension was not present in the file title
Enhanced the Explorer UI to more clearly show that the table under the map has additional fields to the right
August 30, 2018
The Lower Duwamish River NRDA Administrative Record is now available from the Lower Duwamish River dataset entry
July 26, 2018
On the Explorer query Date Range Filter UI, users can now choose to include "not defined" dates (1/1/1900) when selecting a date range
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,SF,CB) 06/25/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Added study "Cosco Busan" with chemistry related to Cosco Busan spill
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL,SL) 06/27/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Created St. Louis River Station Group and labelled all stations within the defining polygon as members of the group. References outside the polygon and bioassay control samples with null coordinates with case/activity "St. Louis River" (SiteID 0531) were also included in the station group
Changed the Study Name of study SL Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Hog Island Sediment (0531:KV) to "SL Hog Island Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Sed Wat Biota"
Appended additional surface water toxicity samples and results to study SL Hog Island Newton Creek 2016 WDNR Sed Wat Biota (0531:KV)
Following current database standards, replaced Missing Results (Conc of -9) with Detection Limit (DL) in the following historical studies:
Ashtabula River GLNPO 2006-08 Remediation Project (5300:82) 175 records
Ashtabula River GLNPO 2011 Remedy Effectiveness (5300:C7) 1 records
Buffalo River AOC GLNPO 2010 Remedial Design (5300:C8) 4 records
Lincoln Park GLNPO 2010 Sed Inv (5600:05) 5 records
Grand Calumet W Brnch GLNPO 2008 Chem/Tox/Bioaccum (5600:93) 16 records
Kinnickinnic River GLNPO 2008 /Chem/Tox/Bioaccum (5600:95) 46 records
Muskegon GLNPO 2008 Ruddiman Creek Baseline (5600:96) 105 records
Lincoln Park GLNPO 2012 Final Remedial Design (5600:F8) 7 recordsUpdated CHEMISTRY StudyNote to indicate missing value treatment in the following historical studies:
Sheboygan Floodplain Data Report 2004 (0525:F4)
SL Howards Bay 2016 WDNR Sediment (0531:KU)
KZ Arcadis 2009 Geochronological Investigation (0540:44)
KZ Arcadis 2011 Area 2 SRI (Otsego City) (0540:46)
Trend Monitoring Caged Bivalve 1998 (2210:C3)
Eighteen Mile Creek USACE 2003 Vol 2 Sed & Tissue (5200:04)
Eighteen Mile Creek Corridor NYSDEC 2002 Final (5200:06)
Rochester Monroe CHD 2010 Sediment Report (5200:69)
Rochester USACE 2004 AOC Sed & Laboratory Bioaccum (5200:75)
Ohio State EPA 1970-2010 Fish Tissue Data (5300:AA)
Milwaukee USEPA 2009 Burnham Canal Site (5600:59)
City of Elkhart 1984-2011 Fish Monitoring (5600:98)
St. Clair USACE 2009 Sediment Data (5700:67)
June 21, 2018
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,SD,RB) 05/25/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Corrected errors in DW to WW or WW to DW conversions in the following studies:
CA Bight Sed, Tox and Tissue 2013 (0909:SL) 150 MERCURY sediment records
San Diego Sportfish Chemistry 2013-2014 (0909:SM) 24 LIPIDS tissue records
San Diego SWHB Chemistry 2013-2014 (0909:SN) 58 LIPIDS tissue records
May 24, 2018
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (US,GL) 05/16/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended new studies:
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2013 (MWL:28)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2012-13 (MWL:2X)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2014 (MWL:A0)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2014 (MWL:A1)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2015 (MWL:A2)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2015 (MWL:A3)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes 2016 (MWL:A4)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Caged Mussels 2016 (MWL:A5)
MusselWatch: Great Lakes Membrane Devices 2015-17 (MWL:A6) -
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL) 05/16/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended new studies:
Howards Bay Sediment Sampling 2015 (0531:KY)
WDNR Clough Island Sediment Sampling 2015 (0531:KZ)
April 26, 2018
Restoration Project Tracking
The Natural Resource Trustees for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill updated restoration project data, including status of restoration and planning efforts and financial information. View these data in Public DIVER…
In the sediment and water guided queries, updated help text to define depth filters and the related depth units used.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (NW) 03/30/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended the following studies:
Berry's Creek Baseline Monitoring Tiss/SW 2017 (2200: U9)
Evergreen MR13 Mitigation Bank Sediment 2012-2013 (2200: V1)
Port Jersey Terminal Expansion Sediment 2012-2013 (2200: V2)
Preconstruction Hackensack Meadows 2004 2005 2010 (2200: V3)
2013-2016 DOEE Anacostia River Sed and Porewater (3000:E1)
2013-2016 DOEE Anacostia River Tissue Chemistry (3000:E2)
2013-2016 Washington Navy Yard Sediment (3000:E3)
2015 DOEE Anacostia River Bioaccumulation (3000:E4)
2015-2016 DOEE Background Sediment (3000:E5)
2014 2016 DOEE Anacostia River Surface Water (3000:E6)
2013 Pepco Anacostia River Sediment (3000:E7)
2013 Pinkney Anacostia River and Potomac River Tis (3000:E8)
March 22, 2018
Changed the label “Visual Observations” to “Field Observations” in DIVER Explorer guided queries, symbology, and tables for this data category. This reflects the updated ability to manage and display field observations and measurements.
Northeast Regional Data, Watersheds (HR) 03/07/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended NYSDEC 2017 Sediment data with SiteID = 2400 and StudyID = Ha.
March 13, 2018
Data Templates
- Updated data templates and guidance are now available for download under the Data Overview section. Data templates include chemistry, toxicity, field measurements, and biological data, in addition to tools for metadata generation and testing data for consistency and errors.
February 22, 2018
Added ability for user to download spatial filters (as shapefile or Well-Known-Text) from Explorer.
New NJ/NY watershed boundary added as shared spatial filter in the Northeast Region.
New California station group boundaries added as shared spatial filters in the Southwest and Pacific Islands Region.
Northwest Regional Data, Watersheds (US,PS,LD) 01/29/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Corrected erroneous coordinates for Station NCCA10-12242 in Hammersley Inlet from source files.
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL) 01/30/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended new studies:
SL WDNR Superior Entry Sediment 2015 (0531:KW)
SL Newtown Creek 2016 WDNR Hog Island Sediment (0531:KV)
SL Howards Bay 2016 WDNR Sediment (0531:KU)
Crawford Creek/Koppers Industries 1992 (0531:KX)
Appended leachate data for studies:
Eighteen Mile Creek Corridor NYSDEC 2002 Final (5200:06)
Grand Calumet USACE 2003 Indiana Harbor (5600:35)
January 25, 2018
Great Lakes Regional Data, Watersheds (GL) 12/22/2017:
--------------------------------------------------------Appended new studies:
SL WDNR Piping Plover Particle Size 2014 (0531:KQ)
SL Biota Mercury Monitoring 2015 (0531:KR)
SL Newton Creek WDNR Sed Char 2012 (0531:KS)
SL Howards Bay Sediment Sampling 2017 (0531:KT)
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,US) 01/10/2018:
--------------------------------------------------------Updated erroneous latitude and longitude for 22 samples in Study "NCAP California Estuarine Wetland 2002 (West EMAP)" (E09C:13)
Added study "NCAP California Estuarine Wetland 2003 (West EMAP)" (E09C:15)
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA) 01/10/2018:
-----------------------------------------------------Added new Station Group designations for California.
Updated erroneous latitude for two control samples in Studies "Oakland Harbor 38-Foot Phase III 1990" (0902:O1) and "Oakland Harbor 42 Foot Phase IIIB 1990" (0902:O3)
Updated erroneous Location Description for two control samples in Studies "Richmond Harbor Deepen/Turn Basin 1995" (0902:R5) and "Port of Richmond Terminal 1 Retest 1994" (0902:R6)
December 14, 2017
Modified spatial filtering to have polygons query data to the nearest .01 degree instead of rounding to the nearest .1 degree.
After running a query, when a user chooses a different “Display by” field for the legend, the extent in the map remains the same and no longer zooms out to the full extent.
Novemeber 16, 2017
Updated fields across multiple Environmental guided queries, including:
Fields added to all tables:
Area Description
Station Description
Species Group
Environmental Data >>Lab Results and Field Observations>>Laboratory Results for Samples table fields now match the fields used in the custom query for Samples: Results Level.
Environmental Data >>Lab Results and Field Observations>>Field Observation Results table fields now match the fields used in the custom query for Visual Observations: Results Level
Added a legend for the Species Group field in the custom queries
Appended 24 new studies for Great Lakes region, as listed below 11/08/2017:
Studyname (SiteID/StudyID)
Lower Rouge River, Old Channel 2011 (5300/E0)
Lower Rouge River, Old Channel 2012 PW (5300/E1)
Swan Creek Site Charact. Phase II (5300/E2)
Niagara River Characterization (5300/E3)
Mid/Lower Trenton Channel 2014 Site Char. (5300/E4)
Monguagon Creek UTC 2015 RI-FFS (5300/E5)
Lower Clinton River 2015 Sed. Investigation (5300/E6)
Riverbend Sediment Characterization (5300/E8)
Upper Trenton Channel 2015 Remedial Design (5300/E9)
Lower Rouge River Old Channel - Predesign Investig (5300/F0)
Harbortown Site Characterization Study (5300/F1)
Zephyr Sediment Assessment - Phase I (5600/G4)
Zephyr Sediment Assessment - Phase II (5600/G5)
Zephyr Feasibility Study (5600/G6)
Lower Menominee River, TYCO Site (5600/G7)
WBGCR Reach 6,7 Sediment Characterization (5600/G8)
KKR Mooring Basin Characterization Study (5600/G9)
Menomonee River Site Characterization (5600/H2)
EBGCR - Ralston Street Lagoon (5600/H3)
Spirit Lake Treatability Study (0531/96)
Superior Waterfront 2015 Sed. Assessment (0531/97)
Upper St. Louis River Cont. Sed. Asses. (0531/98)
SLR USACOE Nav Channel Sediment 2014 (0531/KP)
SL Newton Creek WDNR Hog Island Post-Remed (0531/KN)
October 19, 2017
Fields including Detection Limit, Reporting Limit, Measurement Basis, and Lab ID are now available in downloads of contaminant chemistry Explorer queries.
The field “Species Group” is now available for filtering and in exports from Explorer
September 21, 2017
Data Overview page has been updated to include the DIVER Environmental Data Specification and tables of fields, definitions, valid values and data dictionaries.
A new page has been added to search and export NOAA Field Forms, Data Templates, and Guidelines
Updates and additions to the DIVER databases are as follows:
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA) 09/15/2017:
Appended data for studies:
(0909:SL) CA Bight Sed, Tox and Tissue 2013
(0909:SM) San Diego Sportfish Chemistry 2013-2014
(0909:SN) San Diego SWHB Chemistry 2013-2014 -
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,PI,US) 09/15/2017:
National Data: Updated TestIDs to new codes which eliminates life history stage code and improves sorting by medium. Legacy SWR data testids are still in older format. -
Southwest Regional Data, Watersheds (CA,US) 09/28/2016:
Data for NCA Program California 2010 (SiteID E09C, StudyID 14) was updated as follows:
The Labname in the BioRep Table was updated to match the BioSumm table -
Posted Dictionary Updates 09/15/2017
Added 1 new chemcode, 2 new bioassay testids, 10 new species codes.
August 25, 2017
Environmental Data
Updated Northeast Regional Data, added data for studies:
Troy Chemical EPA 2000-2016
Passaic CPG River Mile 10.9 Sediment 2016
Troy Chemical EPA Pierson`s Creek 2016
Troy Chemical EPA Delancy Street 2006-2015
Hudson Striped Bass Results 2013-2015, which includes the NYSDEC Fish, 2013, NYSDEC Fish, 2014, and NYSDEC Fish, 2015 studies
Updated studynotes and qualcodes for lab calculated aroclor and PCB sums in study "EPA Surface Sediment data, 2016"
Added mercury results to Collection Study Name 'NYSDEC Fish, 2015 (pesticide and Aroclor data previously appended).
New York State DEC - NE Atlantic Region (SiteID DE23): Replaced tisscode = FL with tisscode = SF for the following studies:
NYSDEC Biota Data 1969 (NER) (StudyID 07)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1970 (NER) (StudyID 08)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1971 (NER) (StudyID 09)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1973 (NER) (StudyID 11)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1975 (NER) (StudyID 13) -
NYSDEC Biota Data 1976 (NER) (StudyID 14)
NYSDEC Biota Data 1977 (NER) (StudyID 15)
- Replaced all LabName of "U" with "Unknown"
July 27, 2017
Environmental Data
- Northeast Samples data updated with studies including Berry’s Creek, Lower Hackensack River, and updated study notes for selected studies.
- Great Lakes regional data updated.
Application Updates
We are pleased to announce the newest updates to the DIVER Explorer query application in this release:
- New Keyword Search tool
The Explorer home interface is now split into 2 tabs: Guided Query and Keyword Search
Users can quickly search through fields and values and filter their results by Data Category or Field Name, or by typing in a value
Users can build or run Explorer queries from any of their displayed results
- Added the concept of “Detail Level” to custom and keyword-based Environmental queries
Users can select detail levels of “Overview”, “Field Record” or “Result” when creating “New Environmental Data Queries”
Users can change the result level from the Summary tab or the Data and Export tab after running their query to see more or fewer fields
- Bioassay Data
All National Bioassay data are now searchable in Explorer
A new Guided Query has been added under Environmental Data : Chemistry and Bioassay Results > Bioassay Results
Users can create custom queries using Overview, Field Record and Result detail levels using the Bioassay data
- New “Station Group” field added
Provides continuity with Query Manager “Watershed Databases” - with the same group of stations and sample results.
Acts as a pre-filter (similar to Region)
Now a user selectable field
Added to Bioassay and Contaminant Chemistry Guided Queries
- Data and Export Tab (combined Table and Export tabs)
Combined the Export tab with the Table tab, renaming it “Data and Export”
Columns that contain only invalid values (blank, -999, Not Defined or Not Available) are now automatically hidden in the table and available in the “Columns” button
The Download menu on the “Data and Export” tab now gives the user 3 options for download types:
User Created Data Table
Complete Data Table
Export Package
Added a Detail Level field above the table which will re-run the query when changed
Filters: The date filter range should not go all the way to the 1/1/1900 value for no data, it makes it difficult to choose a date from the calendar function.
Filter Defect: Editing a date filter on the Data and Export tab now works correctly
- Photo Tab
Added option to display image id on photos
Users can now sort by date
Default photos per row has been changed to 3 from 5
Fixed an issue with broken images appearing on the Photos tab
- Summary Tab
Added Station Group and Case/Activity to the Summary Tab for all Chemistry and Bioassay guided queries
Added Data Category for all queries
Added Detail Level field for custom Environmental queries (user can change detail level of query with this field)
The Date field now shows the range without 1/1/1900 (the “no data” value for dates). If there are not defined dates, the text says "6/5/2012 to 7/13/2016 (and data where dates are not defined)"
Defect: Fixed the Summary tab secondary vertical scroll bar for queries with extremely long names
- Guided Queries
Chemistry and Bioassay guided queries can now have up to 3 user editable pre-filters
Added Case/Activity to Single Contaminant, Multiple Contaminant, and Total PAH guided queries Table and Export.
Add “Workspace Name” filter and “--No Additional Filter--” to Photologger queries
Remove 'Chemical List' as a choice in the pre-filter field for Multiple Contaminant Results guided queries and automatically add it to the Analysis filter
- General Explorer Updates
Explorer now supports continuous panning across the 180th meridian
Changed the default basemap in Explorer to the ESRI Ocean Basemap for better visibility of queried data
Added 3 new base layers: ESRI StreetMaps, ESRI Light Gray Canvas, and ESRI Dark Gray Canvas
User interfaces in most areas of Explorer were updated to improve usability.
Charts are no longer displayed if they have only a single value, or have more than 20 values
June 22, 2017
Environmental Data
The Deepwater Horizon NRDA page was updated with several new features:
Deepwater Horizon NRDA toxicity data is now available to query and export.
Deepwater Horizon Data Packages are now easier to find and export.
Deepwater Horizon Workplans are organized for easier filtering and download
Northeast Samples data updated with NY/NJ Harbor and Hudson River data.
Great Lakes Samples data updated with USEPA GLNPO data.
April 27, 2017
Restoration Project Tracking
- The Natural Resource Trustees for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill updated restoration project data, including status of restoration and planning efforts and financial information. View these data in Public DIVER...