Field Forms and Templates Content


Through the Field Assessment and Science Techniques (FAST) program, NOAA’s Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) creates tools to improve preparation for and implementation of Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) field efforts. Field and laboratory protocols, data templates, chain of custody, and field data collection forms to standardize data collection and intake are a key component of FAST. Many of these materials, such as the Sampling Guidelines for Arctic Oil Spill Damage Assessments, are the genesis of field practices and lessons learned from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. While many of these documents were developed for use in the Arctic, they are generally applicable to other regions. 

NOAA provides these materials to partners and the public as part of ensuring consistency and best practices across different environmental assessments in all regions of the United States.  NOAA’s FAST team is actively reviewing, revising and developing forms and guidelines with partners, and will post updated materials as they become available. For more information please contact the FAST team. Current documents can be downloaded by document type, or environmental resource through the dashboard below.

Field Forms and Guidance Documents